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Risk friendships by asking a girl out?

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I've been on here for a while but totally forgot about this place, and I need some help now. I hope this is the right section for this, if not then the person who runs this place please move it to it's appropriate section.


There is this girl I want to ask out for a second time, I last asked her out in December and she said "I can't." but to this day she still gives me signs and shows interest. About a month ago, I started seeing her on my way to 5th period and we would just look at each other and not say anything as we passed each other by. Let's call her Nichole, not her name but yeah...


On Tuesday I said something to her which she probably didn't hear, and yesterday I said something to her. I don't think she heard me either time, but she may have. Who knows.


I'm really good friends with her 3 best friends. Should I still ask this girl out again? I'm worried that I'll lose my friendship with her friends, but they didn't seem to care when I asked her out months ago, but they mentioned it to me quite a few times. So is it best to talk to her friends about it first? Ask her out? Don't ask her out?


Advice appreciated,


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you have at least a dozen of friends. 50% chance you lose one of them (you still have lots of them), 50% chance you go out with the girl you like. It's very simple math, you should ask her out. You could gain so much more than you possibly might lose.

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If you're really worried about it talk to her friends first. However, if they're your friends they won't care if you ask her out. If they're REALLY your friends they'll be supportive no matter what happens. So yeah, I say ask her out.

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