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hey i need some really good ideas for a second(ish) date

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hey every1 me and my first gf just became "official"


let me just say i do tend to get nervious with these types of things, and when i finally asked her out she wanted to know what took so long, lol


we went on a first date b4 we became "official", which was a double date to a movie. that went well, but now i need another idea for a second date this weekend. I wanna do it soon because we both like eachother but its like were still not quite comfortable around eachother... our conversations usually lag and can be kinda awkward (is this normal?); i want to create something stronger with her soon before the spark dies, if that makes any sense.


so any ideas to make being around eachother less awkward, and make our relationship more solid, and most impportantly, for a good second date ?! (i dont wanna go to another movie,

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one thing i've learned, is just let things flow and enjoy the relationship as it progresses. but if you want to be romantic, you could always order her favorite food or something, have it delivered ( chinese is cheap) and then put it on some pretty plates, and sit accross from each other by a candlelight while having dinner and talking. it may help you both to get to know each other a bit more.

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NJ has some good suggestions.


You don't need to impress her or spend lots of cash because both will die fast and hard. Wherever you go, just make sure to concentrate on making her feel good about herself. That's all it really comes down to. This simple principle goes such a long ways, but most people ignore it.

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