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I think it might just be because i've got flu that i'm missing him. I've been stuck in the house for 2 days solid feeling like crap and i feel very lonely.


It seems like half my friends don't care that i'm ill i text 11 friends this morning as i was VERY bored and only 5 people text back and 3 of them don't even live near me (net friends which i've met in real lots of times..they are amazing


Anyway, even my close friend at the mo didn't text me back one of my best friends did but no-one else did and i just feel really lonely and cut off from the world. i've not seen anyone for ages and have only had the company of my parents.


I was slightly surprised not to hear from my ex. he always asks where i am when i'm not in school but i've hear nothing. it hurts. it's like im nothing to him anymore.


My ex ex text me though. He says he likes me and wants to get back together or at least have fun with him when i go down next month. I don't know though. I just feel like we can only be friends. I think that's cos im still very much in love with my ex and miss him a lot even though he's made it very clear that he doesn't miss me and that we won't be getting back together.


Don't know exactly why im posting this, just wanted to vent my emotions.

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Hi Blondy!

It's okay and normal that youre feeling this way.


Keep your head up, and realize that there's so much more than him... youre probably a real sweetheart, and I'm sure that there is several guys waiting for you that you haven't even noticed because you've been caught up in thought over the recent break up.

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I am sure your friends care they are just probably busy with school and dont have time to text you at the moment.


Quit worrying about your ex it will only make you feel worse. I know its hard but try and think of other things. Like what would you like to accomplish before the summer. What would you like to do this summer? Travel, take a class (a fun class), learn how to play an instrument? Think more in regards to yourself and not everyone else and what they are doing.


That is the only way you will move past all this. I hope you start to feel better.

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xblondyx, put down that texting machine for the afternoon and pick up a book and read. Don't let being sick become an excuse to be even sadder.


Put on a good girlie movie, heat up some chicken noodle soup and treat yourself like a queen today. Pamper, pamper pamper!!!! How are those nails of yours? Maybe you need a manicure. Got some new bath salts you have been meaning to try out? How about a nice, hot bath?


Get yourself to keep from thinking about him today. Give yourself the day off!!! You deserve one day from having to think about your ex.





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I think one thing that might make you feel better is changing your avatar to something that gives you strength. What picture, character, actress, etc when you see it gives you hope or inspiration?


Elektra is my alter ego who I once was and am getting back little by little. I was once a strong, confident, indepedant woman and then allowed myself to be broken down to nothing by a guy. YUCK!!! 5 years later I am slowly getting it all back and everytime I look at a picture of Elektra I just think "oh yeah I am ready to kick * * *!"


Don't be like me and take that long to recover from some guy. Be strong, be confident in yourself, and by all means stay true to yourself.

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Hi xblondyx..


Im not a medic but by my own experience i can tell that the flu when its really "strong", always make us feel like with no energy..


Try don let you down about your ex ( at least until you're much better or totally recoverd from the flu).. Doing this it will make you feel a lot worse.


Try to take this "lonely time" to make your body stronger and learn something inside your house, like cleaning or cookin a new food, reading about an interesting topic.


What about meditating - doing yoga?.. or just to watch movies or doing something that makes you feel calm, distracted and animated?


remember, Step by step.. dont push your body much harder.

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I would pamper myself but i'm soo ill and can barely move lol. I've watched my girlie films and read a full book but i'm still bored

I just want some company which i'm not going to get everyones out with their boyfriends.


Hmm....where can i meet new people?

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Do some writing. Write about your feelings now and where you want to be in a week, a month, a year from today. Write about your strengths and how you WILL find someone better. If that's too difficult for you to consider right now, write about all your friends and what you love about each one. Write about your family and occasions where they made you feel loved.


Do you have a myspace profile?? If not, set one up. Find your friends on myspace using their email addresses and DONT invite your ex. Need something to do? Look online for some good jokes, some fun sites with mindless games to play.


Most importantly xblondyx, is to take a couple of days off from dealing with your break with your ex. You have MY permission and the permission of everyone else here on the forums to NOT think about him until you get well.



cheers and GET BETTER!!!

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