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detecting signs of a commitment phobic

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My question to you.. how can you tell if someone you are involved with or was involved with- is a commitment phobe? What are some of the signs that one should look for to tell if they have this fear of commitment? More specifically when dealing with a guy....THanks

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Off the top of my head:


1. He chooses his buds over you. This does not mean that if he goes out with his buddies regularly he's a commitment phobe, but perhaps if he keeps blowing you off for them.


2. Avoids conversations involving commitment things such as moving in together.


anyone else?

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1. When marriage is mentioned all of a sudden they have to spend less time with you


2. They are not interested in sex as much


3. They start stupid fights with you


4. They try to flirt with other women to stroke their ego


5. They avoid you altogether


6. they become distant, cold , and less affectionate

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brilaint book..............you must get it itll answwr every single question answer by answer, called men who are afraid to love.............julia roberts is reading it in the movie the mexican, but is a very very good book. it will help u more thenu know. ive been there and done it, you dont want to get involved with a commitment phobe!

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