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trouble talking to her again...

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before i start, i need to explain why we broke up:


about a week ago, my g/f had to go to rehab cause her mom found some drugs in her room. she's actualy quit that certain type of drug, but was sent to rehab anyways. all of a sudden she was acting depressed. it was hard upholding a relationship with each other, and eventually she gave in and she broke up with me.


she said she didn't want a boyfriend right now, but i just found out she still liked me. problem is, i can't seem to stand looking at her anymore... i was po'd when i heard she had done that drug to the point that her voice gets annoying and i get a strange sense of anger around her.but apparently, half of the people i hang out with claim they've gotten wasted or high or whatever, and those were only the people who hang out w/ her too, which makes things worse.


I started hanging out with some other friends for a few days (ever since Thursday), when i finally heard that she still liked me. it was the last day of school until spring break, so it was the only time i could see her for a while. Now i feel like, cause of all this crap going on, i'm probably not going to be friends with her anymore. I still like her (i feel like strangling her cause she did the drugs, but only cause i care), but i can't find a way to approach her. I tried after i found out she still liked me, but when i got near her, she shunned me. I don't know what i should do with her anymore....please help

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"she's actualy quit that certain type of drug"


So she's into other drugs and using them? Why would U want 2 deal with someone that has a dependecy on drugs. U can't depend on someone that has a dependecy on drugs. That's just my point of view. There's many drug free and wonderful women out there, man. Find one, and find one FAST. Get away from this situation.



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I can understand being leery of her due to her drug issue...but has she

made any SINCERE attempts to "clean up"? People are normally not their true selves when doing drugs, so it's understandable if you feel annoyed by her.


You are not obligated to be her friend or hold her hand while she is going through this...however, shunning someone because they have a problem they are trying to overcome is pretty harsh IMO. Being judgemental about someone simply because YOU wouldn't do a certain thing is unfair. While I DON'T condone drug use, I know over coming a dependency is something that does NOT happen overnight...and not having support makes it twice as hard. Just a few thoughts to chew on.

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