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So we Work Out

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Ok so me and my gf spent a day together just to hang out and basically fell back in love. We spent the day together originally planned for an hour but ended up all day. Started off akward then we kissed and talked for a long time and cuddled made love a few times and visited our high school. She then said I missed you and you have me 100%. We had a really nice time rest of the day being cute and holding hands and what not. But i never asked OH so are we officialy back together, because i didnt wanna get into that kind of thing. So i tale her home and i go home just focusing on myself and hwo things will work. She calls the next day still all cute and we plan on going out again. But tonight i call her and she says that we shouldnt see each other so much because it woulldnt solve anything. And im fine with that 100% because i have actually felt so good these last few weeks without the pressure. But my question is this. do i take this as back together??? or do i still treat it as "untitled" as we were before. She said i love you im hers 100% and stuff but i never dove in for "are we gf bf" because i didnt wanna complicate things for MYSELF. So should i just lay lwo on her and see her now and then or just act like were 100% together. Im also worried though we had sex without a condom and she wa son her period a week and a half ago is that a major risk? =(


Every time its like this. She doesnt want to see me because she thinks she will be confused but then we have a great time and are so happy. Then few days later she backs away because she starts feeling into it again. Im tired of the curve baals she shows she wants me why the hell wont she just accept it. In person she talks about getting married and 2 days later about how we shouldnt see alot of each other because it will complicate things?? Honestly i love her but this kind of behavior is just pushing me away. Should i just tell her to pick either or?

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Give her the gift of missing you...


pull back, tell her she can do whatever she wants. If you tell her how much you care for her (oddly enough) you'll scare her away. Avoid the serious talks, the labels, etc., and just have a good time together. If she blows you off, just be like "Ok, well I'm going to go out with some friends. You call me when you get it figured out and we'll go from there."


If you don't want to marry a woman who doesn't love you, don't come inside of her. Isn't that obvious? Getting her pregnant will pretty much ensure she hates you for the rest of her life since you are not showing any responsbility, self-discipline, or respect for her. That's probably part of the reason why she pulls back. If you want to be in a mature relationship with an adult woman, you need to act like a mature and reponsible adult as well. When you do stuff like that, she worries because she knows you will make mistakes like that in other areas of your/her life and it'll be worse.


For example, when she gets pregnant, are you going to support her? Probably not, you're freaking out now. At least that is what she thinks. You haven't talked about having kids, or if you even want them, so why risk it?


I never come inside any woman, with or without a condom, if I don't want her to have kids. Simple.

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It was all out of confusion then she told me to do it And i couldnt resist. She said she wanted it that way and for me to do it and she didnt care about the risk and i was too caught up in the moment to even have a brain. If she had a kid i would support it no matter what. My dad took off when i was 3 and the pain that i went through sent me into a depression so no matter what the circumstances i will always be there for my kids if i ever have one. As for the pulling away thats what im doing. Every time i say ok well bye she clings all of a sudden. Like last night i called her right before i went out and said ok well talk to you tomorrow and shes like WAIT talk to me for 5 more minutes. i said i was leaving and she had to knwo every detail about what i do. Its liek every time we have a moment she pulls away right after and every time i pull away. She wants another moment. But i man up to my mistakes in life i would raise i kid alone if i had to because imo. Fathers who bail on their kids can mess up the kids life like it did to me.

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You probably don't want to hear this, but, I think you should stop having sex with her for now. I think that is clouding things over. If you are just looking for a girl to have sex with, well, keep going (obviously protected)... but, if you are looking for a relationship with her, step back a bit. Continue with the cuddling,etc but, I think the sex is clouding both your judgements if you are really "in love"

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