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What are the common phobias here ?

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Xyrophobia (We're talking about the box cutting sort, in modern society you can't afford a Schick phobia)


Hemaphobia (This my major phobia, the others are mild and pale to this one. Honestly I have no idea how I acquired it in the first place, not too long ago I was thinking about medical careers then boom it set in. Who knows.)





Of course the latter two, Acrophobia, I just don't like being anywhere that I don't have sure footing at a high place and fall off, not my ideal there so get a tad bothered by it.


Hydrophobia, extremely mild one, I once had a accident while swimming several years ago, now it just makes me cautious about paying attention to what I'm doing when in a large amount of water. Talking body of water and pool size water, not bothered in the least by bathtubs or such.


In high school I carried a king snake in my pocket in a cloth bag. Lots of folks liked to hold it, but sometimes a few "tough guys" would scream like babies when I took him out. Really bizarre.

Of course I never exploited their fear.


It is interesting how people approach snakes and other reptiles, I've had a Corn Snake and own lizards at the moment as well, people try to be brave and hold it, but I so often fear for their safety of being dropped when others attempt to be brave. One bearded dragon I own, she is obsessively submissive and often shows their "waving" behavior which relates to that, and people think she is going to attack them. Its interesting.

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yeh, wow...when you put it that way Scotcha, I guess I am too.


But to the point of phobia, I dunno. Doesn't phobia mean, like, scared to a dibilitating degree?


Yeah, it does but that all depends on how debilitating of a degree you mean. Is obcessing enough? I tend to do that a lot about the things I'm afraid of. The only "true" phobia I have is my weird form of agoraphobia, I'll panic.


Oh, I wanted to add:


I used to be afraid of blood. IF I was expecting it I was fine to a degree but if I saw it by accident... I used to be a cashier when I was younger and a lady came down my line with some messy ground beef. I picked it up to scan it.. Blood on the belt, on my hands, on my shirt.. I passed out over the register. I almost passed out in clinic last semester when I was learning how to probe.. I saw a tiny bit of blood.. My instructor had to have me lay down for a bit. Glad I got over that one or I'd be SOL.


Also, not that it really matters but my bf's handle is xenophobe-the fear of that which is strange or weird. It's meant to be ironic as he's strange and weird.

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I love reptiles and snakes and spiders...I used to actually keep them all as pets as a kid. I had various kinds of snakes and lizards, and loved them! My brother was freaked out by them though....he hated that I had them as pets!


I don't have phobia's, though I have some peculiarities.


1) I fear my loves ones getting hurt seriously (or more) or something...for example when my boyfriend and I are out mountain biking I feel the need to remind him to be careful even if I am doing the same thing! I fear losing the people I love I is what it is I think this is just because I have lost a few people very close to me in life at young ages, and it just makes me aware.


2) I have a semi-fear of heights. I am fine in planes, on stable structures, I can climb things, and live on the 24th floor or my apartment building - but leaning over looking over the side of a cliff freaks me out....


3) I am totally grossed out by c_ckroaches...not scared...just grossed out...any other insect and creepy crawly is fascinating to me, but c_ckroaches just gross me out, I could never live somewhere where they are so common and huge...

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I have a fear of people that are dressed up in costumes, like Disney characters. I don't freak out and run, but I get really anxious when they come near me.


Dr Phil's website is lookig for adults afraid of costumed characters right now...you could go on Dr Phil!

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Xyrophobia (We're talking about the box cutting sort, in modern society you can't afford a Schick phobia)


Hemaphobia (This my major phobia, the others are mild and pale to this one. Honestly I have no idea how I acquired it in the first place, not too long ago I was thinking about medical careers then boom it set in. Who knows


Did you mean Hemophobia? The fear of blood?


and that first one....what is that suppose to be? Fear of knives or sharp objects? Which is aichmophobia.


I'm afraid of people (anthropophobia) . Animals I love, but people are so unpredictable and inconsistent. I also have a fear of imperfection (atelophobia).


Now pit bulls....love them! Not all of them of course because some are mean due to ignorant people that are unworthy of the devotion they give, but most I love....but that goes with all dogs.

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Often fears are inherited...


My grandmother was deathly afraid of frogs and toads....she used to make me walk in front of her when we were at the lake.


Turned out my mother was too, but she did not want us (my siblings & I) to inherit that same fear so she toughed it out.


I finally found out when I was 15ish she was terrified of them, which explains now why she freaked out when my cat brought home a tiny frog before that started jumping around the house, or when one hopped in my basement window, or why she would get me to come outside and move them from the lawn as she was mowing it, or why she stood WAY back when I brought them home as a young kid as "pets"..........hindsight is 20/20 isn't it! I can recall one time camping in Florida, at night a tree frog had jumped on her chest while she was sleeping...she SCREAMED and my stepfather was running around trying to catch it for her...


Ha....she was very brave for us

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Did you mean Hemophobia? The fear of blood?


and that first one....what is that suppose to be? Fear of knives or sharp objects? Which is aichmophobia.


Hemophobia, hemaphobia is a variation in the spelling. I believe Hematophobia is yet another variation on the same phobia. Though I suppose Hemophobia would be technically the most suitable spelling and title for it given the base for which it was named.


Xyrophobia is specifically the fear of Razors. Which I'm sure has an array of variations as well.

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The sweetie in my avatar is half pitbull.


I was going to comment on your doggy! She (he?) is beautiful!!!


I volunteer at a non-kill shelter a lot and some of the sweetest dogs are pitbulls The ones I have to watch for are the poodle mix and chihuahua's!! Most I see don't pass the behavioral assesment unfortunetly

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Hemophobia, hemaphobia is a variation in the spelling. I believe Hematophobia is yet another variation on the same phobia. Though I suppose Hemophobia would be technically the most suitable spelling and title for it given the base for which it was named.


Xyrophobia is specifically the fear of Razors. Which I'm sure has an array of variations as well.


So fear of specifically razors? Does that include things like knives too?

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So fear of specifically razors? Does that include things like knives too?


To my knowledge Xyrophobia is strictly a razors only, and Aichmophobia caters to the Knife half.


Don't hold me on this latter one as I had to google it to find out but supposedly Belonophobia is an overall phobia of sharp objects. Whether that one is correct or not I'm unsure, never heard of it myself and found little information on it.

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Yea, but sometimes u heard things on the news about mostly kids being attack by pitbulls and yet most of them have owners. Just them going wild.


Yeah, but most of it is just propagande. (sorry about the spelling) PitBulls are a class of dog, not a breed of dog. Most of their eye-witnesses don't know the difference from a lab and a black AmStaff. It's hurrendous how many labs, standard poodles, and mutts have been named as pitbulls by some people.


But I understand why you would fear them Many people do, but I think it's either bad experience with one and/or a misunderstanding of the breed and the media. If you do some search you'll see pitbulls may be dog aggressive, but in order for them to fight other dogs and their handlers able to get them these dogs had to be people friendly.


Sorry I'm get a bit carried away when it comes to dogs. I really love dogs and I am a big advocate for educating people about all breeds of dogs. But I understand the fear, media has a way to really get to people.

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Some breeds/breedings are more volatile, and it's not always just the owners...though some owners truly are at fault. However even when some breeds may be more volatile, they can be great dogs as long as their owner respects those volatilities and takes precautions. Heck most dog attacks come from smaller dogs....but it is big pits and mastiffs that make the news and result in death as they are stronger, have more damaging jaws and are harder to overpower as opposed to say a pomeranian). Cocker Spaniels are the second most common "attacker" - but they are small so the damage is usually less.


The pit bull WAS originally BRED to be a fighting dog...to be pitted in competition against other dogs and to win by killing. They have powerful jaws that can clamp on and kill in one bite...they are bred to lunge at the neck and vital areas. Now granted, there are some sweet pits, and owners can definitely bring up a well behaved dog, but their nature is still IN there somewhere, and so you can't assume they will "never" attack.


For example - my grandparents had two pitbulls...one turned out great, friendly...one was vicious. They also had two dobermans...one was docile, friendly...the other nearly ripped part of my face off once without instigation, bit my brother suddenly and also killed another dog before being put down. All were raised in the same environment, given the same opportunity/obedience training etc.


It has been shown some breeds, due to inbreeding in many cases, have resulted in mental instability in certain dogs. I think part of the problem is people tend not to take certain dog's natures into account...no matter what they still have instincts driven by fear, hunger, pack mentalities. If you have a dog that has a pre-disposition due to their breed to not be good around children, or to be short tempered...you do NOT put them around children!


Anyone getting a pet can look at breed stats, see if they are good with kids or not, see if they are short tempered etc


I love dogs, I love cats, I love all animals..always have and always will! But when we try and "humanize" them we sometimes forget they still have instincts and they are still animals...nothing bothers me more then people thinking wild animals are just giant fuzzy stuffed animals and forgetting they are wild. It gets people killed....


Now pets are not "wild", but they are not fully "domestic" either, and in new environments, with new people, they certainly can be "wild". Even domestic animals need to be treated with a respect for their nature.


Heck my 2 lb bunny rabbit will nip at my toes if he gets mad at me or I spook him

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That's where the breeding part comes in It's the reason why my dog doesn't go anywhere near small dogs. He has a prey-drive causing him to chase and try and kill anything small that runs and it's also a reason he is always on leash around small children with leash in hand.


Like you said, people just need to learn what type of dog they are getting and they need to think if that dog is a good match for them. If your getting from a breeder you need to see both parents, and get a family history.


I would love more talk about doggies, but I think I've got this thread off track enough lol Sorry

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Its weird how no other bug, insect, creature, frog, lizard, or whatever, does not bother me. Only the spiders. I cant remember having a fear of them in my childhood. I can remember only in my early adulthood, that when I would see spiders, that kind of bothered me ,and I didnt want them coming close to me. I didnt necessarily have a fear at that time.

The first true fear I felt of spiders was one night I stepped out on to my carport and there was one of those huge huge ugly grass spiders, actually they may be called wolf spiders. I guess I startled it and it jumped right up on my shoe and I freaked out. These spiders are fast and seem quite aggressive. Instead of crawling away, they come toward. Its almost like they make a direct " bee-line" toward anything that moves, big or small. :shocked!:

They can scamper, jump, scoot, crawl, accross a 30 foot wide carport in about 10 seconds flat.

I honestly feel threatened by these eight legged little beasts. ON several occasions I have nearly hurt myself in an effort to run away from them. I know it sounds really weird to be this afraid of spiders.Just cant help it though. Thankfully I have reduced the encounters with spiders by using insecticide spray around the perimeter of my house and accross the carport and patio. Every once in a while the little creeps sneak indoors,, thats when I really get freaked out. I had this encounter in my shower once with one of those big ones. For some reason they like to get in damp places, bathrooms , tubs, sinks. I went to get a shower and turned on the water and from behind my shampoo bottle crawled one of those nigthmares. My daughter happened to be home that night. I screamed, and jumped from the shower, almost falling in an effort to get away from the spider, I jumped on the top of the toilet and the freaking spider came from the shower, and followed me over toward the toilet, all the while I am screaming bloody murder in the bathroom. My daughter came to the rescue, and got rid of the spider for me. Needless to say, showers are not taken until I make a full inspection first , each and every time.

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That's where the breeding part comes in It's the reason why my dog doesn't go anywhere near small dogs. He has a prey-drive causing him to chase and try and kill anything small that runs and it's also a reason he is always on leash around small children with leash in hand.


Like you said, people just need to learn what type of dog they are getting and they need to think if that dog is a good match for them. If your getting from a breeder you need to see both parents, and get a family history.


I would love more talk about doggies, but I think I've got this thread off track enough lol Sorry


lol, I agree...


But yes,it certainly sounds like you are one of the owners very aware of their dog's nature and take precautions - thereforeeee a good owner! Thanks for thinking of the squirrels and bunny rabbits (my bunny Carbun says thanks too ).


Alright, that's enough....everyone back on topic...

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I'm not afraid of dogs in general just St. Bernard's, my neighbor's went crazy (not even rabid, just crappy breeding) and tried to attack me, scared the crap out of me. I know its not all St. Bs, but I still think twice about petting one.


This ones kinda hard to admit, I'm almost 25 and I'm still afraid of the dark. I hate walking into dark rooms or when its dark out not being able to see outside my window. Some nights I can't sleep if its too dark in my room, I have a night light .

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I have a fear of people that are dressed up in costumes, like Disney characters. I don't freak out and run, but I get really anxious when they come near me.


That just made my day.




P/S - Spiders are okay, I can play with them...but WORMS and SLUGS and SNAILS......I'm scared out of my mind of them. I can't look at them. I can't be near them. They make me want to gag. Ironic, seeing as my summer job is being a gardener. I'm surprised I haven't been fired yet for refusing to work until someone removes them from my sight...

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I have a phobia of spiders,dark,birthdays,clowns and small spaces.


spiders scare me, the thought of them crawling on me with their hideous legs freaks me out.


I have been scared of the dark pretty much since I was a little girl, I'm okay in my room, but anywhere else frightens me, I always feel spooked out by the dark and the atmosphere in the dark.


Birthdays, wel this my most embarrassing phobia, I even wrote a post on this last year. I havr this thing where when it comes up to my birthday (like an hour away) I feel faint. I wont go to bed. I feel like in a way my soul inside is dying, that after midnight, I'm not the same person anymore. It's hard to explain really.


Clowns I'm scared of because I hate the way they look, their just big, bright, bold things that attract a lot of unwanted attention and I hate that, they make me feel so insecure.


Small spaces make me feel trapped and I get anxious about the small space, it's as though I'm enclosed in a tight area with a lack of oxygen and I get really sweaty and panicky about it.


Well those are my fears anyway

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When my youngest brother was in childhood, he was horribly afraid of sirens, alarms, trains blowing their horns. He would go hysterical when he heard those.Even to this day he doesnt like them, but doesnt get hysterical like when he was young.

My daughter has a phobia, about spinning tires and vehicles getting stuck in the mud .

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