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Hi All,


I've some news, I don't know how good or how bad.


I got an email from my ex today, in response to one of my emails, and in it he said "I know that you like me, and that makes me happy.I am thinking hard about you and me".


I don't know what he meant exactly, but this just made my day. I'm not going to call/email him and push him for an answer. Hearing this alone made so much difference. [Recap: He broke up with me 3 months ago;I went thru hell; did LC; i saw him for the first time this past weekend, and we had a good time together.]


I just wanted to tell you all that there's hope. I read almost all the posts here, and everyone breaks up for a different reason. I always thought "It's impossible for us to get back together because he knows exactly what he wants, and I'm not that". But here, after 3 months of separation, he's thinking about it. I thought he was over with me forever.


I think this can say a few things about the dumpers perspective here:


He broke up with me.

He didn't call me for 3 months. He didn't email. I was sure that he was back with his ex, or maybe even seeing someone new.

But all that didn't mean he forgot about me, or didnt regret his decision. He WAS thinking of me. He WAS re-thinking his decision. I just didn't know about it. Same could be true for you.


After the break up, I was devastated. I couldn't eat or sleep. I read all kinds of books on relationships/learning to let go/forgive/breakups/seduction/surviving a loss of love etc etc... I learned to listen to myself, and learned to look for certain things in relationships. I saw the signs that I'd missed. I can't say I got really good, but I learned, and I got stronger. I reached the conclusion that HE would have to come back to me, in order for our relationship to be a healthy one, if at all possible. thereforeeee I did not contact him. I tried to fully let go, as much as you can do that at my stage of healing.


Now he sent me that mail. I don't know what has changed in his world. Certainly a lot has changed for me. I would love to try again; but I will never forget the pain I went thru. I will remind myself what it could be like, if it doesn't work. And I will tell him that if he'll still be thinking about his ex while he's with me, I'm not in. I can ask him "What has changed that you want to be back with me?" I am strong enough to say these because I have lost a love, and healed myself after that.


Just wanted to share this with you all. I can't wait to see what the next few days will bring.

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I think that is great. Please be cautious though. He had his freedom and may be realizing that you are the best for him. That is not bad, but just becareful because he may be leaning on you until he feels more confident again. Definitely make him work to get you back. Don't be mean or bring up old stuff, but make sure that you just don't give yourself to him right away. It seems we all like a challenge and you can't make yourself too available. Us guys will do anything to be with a woman we love.

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Thats awsome, I should share what happened to me last night, I am keeping strict LC with my ex who dumped me, and I have not and will not call her now, she has been calling me pratically everynight or 2nd night, I think she is missing me cause she keeps saying it, but I am being a friend on the phone, maybe she realizes what she had.. and wants it back.. who knows.. all i now I take it 1 day at a time.. and so far its working great. Hehehe keep the faith alive!




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