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5 out of Ten men are gay? Is this true....Scary thought

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I went to get a makeover about a month ago and this guy that did it was gay. He told me that atleast 5 out of ten men...hide the fact that they are gay. He said they even marry women but have men on the side. So now your telling me that I don't only have to worry about my man sneaking around with another women...but that He may also sneak around with another man???? I am so hurt by this..Is this true. If so that means that I have definetly dated a few gay men..and did not even know it.

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well, one of my best friends is a gay guy, and he told me that some of his best lovers were men married to women. I live in Atlanta, and he told me that an alarming number of the men are gay, and I was shocked and just didnt know what to say...


He told me some things about one guy that i admired for years...which ripped my heart apart...and he also pointed out a few of these type of guys to me, at a fashion show and I would have never guessed in a million years...


not all guys are this way..but its sad to know that the guy we digg may be gay. The last guy i was almost about to fall in love with (online) turned out to be gay too...so sometimes, we just never know... I have more respect for my gay friend and gay guys in general that are open about their sexual preference, versus a man that plays the strait role...


so in any event, here i am...still single and cellibate...



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holy bleep! half of the male population is gay? I think that number is Way Exaggerated.....at least i hope it is....


I dont understand why anybody would want to have sex with a person of the same sex.... i'm not a homophobe or anything, just more like "why?" when there are lots of women to be with....


is it just that males understand how the male brain works and females understand how the female brain works? i know of guys always complaining that women are so hard to understand.......

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Why would someone do this! If you are gay just be gay and leave us poor women alone! I hope this is not true. Gay men are said to be really promiscuous so I do not want to get some STD. I choose not to have sex anymore. It means nothing to me anymore with out Love. I guess I will wait until I get married, but what if he is screatly gay?


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this is bs. How would anyone know, did they conduct a survey on every man? It's propaganda to make the "lifestyle" more acceptable. So there's a few fags out there, big deal.


And besides, if 5 out of 10 are gay, hopefully the unmarried ones will not marry (a woman)-and hopefully not sleep with a woman, and thereforeeeeee not reproduce. Survival of the fittest I suppose, hah.



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Really? Well if that 5/10 would be true, at least most of them would be bi-sexual. You couldn't blame people who fall for both sexes to just choose for one and marry.. but I agree that the persoon should be open about his other interests too, especially if he considers doing stuff with men while in a relationship with a woman.


Though I don't think it is true. Why else don't I have any gay friends, while I wish I would, because (ok call it positive discrimination) I have heard gay men are more creative and openminded than straight men. And it's easier..it's such a disappointment if a friends gets a thing for you.


And how about women? How many out of ten are actually lesbian according to him?

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  • 2 weeks later...

It'd be nice if there were some more gays or bis who came out for it, but if ALL men were gay, then the world's population would become much smaller, because there wouldn't be enough boy-girl relations.


PS: Don't forget we also need straight men/boys to satisfy the straight girls out there

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  • 2 years later...

Wow, paranoid much? Five out of ten, are you kidding me? I would say 2 out of ten would be a much more acurate figure.


Contrary to popular belief not ALL gay men are looking to decieve unsuspecting women. We are not all closeted. Some of us are very happy being precisely who we are.

However, the perpetual negative stereotypes that are being bandied about in this thread is precisely WHY many men remain closeted and get into relationships with women...They don't want to deal with the hatred and bigotry.


Someone upthread said most gay men are promiscous, thus throwing out a damaging stereotype(the "all gay men are sex crazed predators"). Well I can tell you that isn't true. It only exists in the predominant societies imagination.


What I think most of you should do is...


1.) get to know your mate indepth...Meaning, don't start screwing him after a few days just because you think he's hot. Inquire about his sexual history.


2.) get tested for all of the STD's(because gay men are not the only people getting and transmitting STD's...Infection is just as prevelant in the hetero sexual circle).


3.) Use protection.

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I think that to say 5 in 10 men are gay is an OVER-generalization. First of all, if this were 100% true our popualtion would not be as explosive as it is even if gay men married women. Gay men would not marry women that often because if 50% of men were gay then being gay would be more socially acceptable and gay men would be more likely to come out because it would be safe to do so.


Secondly, sexual orientation is hard to determine sometimes because it lies on a continuum, like a scale with 1 being 100% heterosexual and 5 being 100% homosexual and the numbers in between being bi-sexual to varying degrees. Sexuality also seems to be an evolving thing for most people.


Since it was a gay guy who told you this, the best response I can think of, "In his wildest dreams are 5 in 10 men gay!!!" LOL

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Ok that sounds inaccurate, however I do believe that there's more bisexual people in the world than Straight & gay people put together. Just alot of the bisexual people only act on the straight feelings than the gay feelings. Maybe 5 in 10 men are bisexual I might believe though.

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I believe the Kinsey Institute in the 60's estimated as a result of their studies that three in ten men in the USA had a homosexual experience at some stage in their lives, and the "one in ten" identifying as gay was banded around then too. Little evidence in subsequent studies I have seen prove this.


What do you define as gay anyway? ALOT of people have sex with men who don't identify as being gay. Some gay men never have sex?


And at the end of the day, I don't think it really matters "Straight" men are a pain in the * * * anyway when it comes to sex/dating. And not literally.

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"But the truth is, those who have sought to do the figures in Australia have come out with quite low figures. A recent study by Monash University entitled “How Gay is Australia?” based on 2001 Census figures found very low numbers indeed. It found that only 37,774 persons are in same sex couples; persons in same sex couples are only 0.2 per cent of the total population; and persons in same sex couples are only 0.47 per cent of all persons in couples.


A more recent study of sexuality in Australia has confirmed that the ten per cent figure is greatly overblown. In a study of nearly 20,000 Australians, La Trobe University researchers found that 97.4 per cent of Australians said their sexual identity was heterosexual. A mere 1.6 said it was homosexual, and a paltry 0.9 per cent said it was bisexual. So much for the 10 per cent myth."



QUOTED FROM ... link removed


It is in Part 4 (IV).

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A couple of points on that.


Australia is among the most homophobic societies going, outside of some pockets in some of the larger cities. I would expect a self-reporting survey in Australia (and also in the US, for that matter) to significantly under-report sexually diverse people.


Second, I think there are a lot of folks who are bi or gay who are either not in relationships (because it is hard to find a suitable partner, often) or who are in relationships with women (either because they are bi and okay with that or they are conforming to social pressures, or they are just plain confused about their sexuality).


Third there are many men who have sex with men who do not identify themselves as gay or bi.


My sense is that 5 of 10 is way, way high, but 2% is rather low. It's devilishly difficult to find acurate numbers based on self-reporting, however, because people tend to under-report because of homophobia (internalized at times), confusion about their own sexuality or simply because they don't see the same-sex activity they have engaged in as making them "gay".

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1. That website ... is based all over the world. Just that paragraph i think was most about australia.

2. Yes there are people out there that will not confirm that they are bi or gay. But with statistics they usually base it on the truth and confidentiality terms would not allow the people that know the truth to let others know.

3. think about it ... 2% is less than 5/10 but it isnt 2/10. It just means 2% of people, are either bi or gay!

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Honestly that website promotes an anti-gay agenda, so to be honest I would not trust any statistics or other material presented there. It's an advocacy website, criticial of the "homosexual lobby", gay sexual practices, gay rights in general ... it's very much an anti-gay advocacy website and so of course anything written in there is going to be skewed to fit the agenda of the website.


Leaving that aside, then, based on my own anecdotal experience, 2% (I realise it is 2/100, lol is too low and 50% is too high. It's somewhere between those, and in any case it is certainly higher than what would be reported in any self-reporting surveys because of the discomfiture some people have with identifying as "gay" and the confusion other people have about their sexuality in general (as I pointed out above).

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