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Why can't people just back off and leave me alone????

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Hi all!


Well this post is so I can release a few things that are bothering me.


Okay so like next weekend, I'm going down to London over night with my friend as a late birthday present, and it it like anyone and everyone is intereferring! All I want to do is go and not about anything, I just want to have some time alone to do whatever I like when I like, but is that going to happen? nooooooo!


I have my older sister coming to meet us and stay over night with us to mae sure we're safe (and yes I appreciate that on some levels), I have to be escorted everywhere


My sister doesn't want me taking a suitcase because it means lugging it around everywhere, so I have to take a bag with me instead.


I can't meet people down there from this football forum I'm a member of because she doesn't trust them. (Yes I can appreciate why she is worried on this as well, so please don't lecture me)


I don't even want to go now, I have to put with doing stuff to make everyone else happy just so I can a peaceful time. Why can't people just back off and leave me alone instead of asuming that I need assistance.


I don't even want to go to London now, I don't want to see my sister there, I don't want to meet up with people on the Sunday morning and I don't want to be escorted everywhere I go and be told what I can and can't take!!!!!!!!!!


I mean it, I just wanted a pleasent weekend away because I have just had a crap time coping with things this year, college, parents ect ..


I can't do anything now a days without people pestering me and nagging me!


I am in a difficult time in my life where I need some space and can't get it, and if I complain it means I'm having a teenage tantrum!


You know .. sometimes I just want to lock myself away in my room and never ever leave it, I just want to be left alone and for people to stop pestering me and hurting me.


Thats never going to happen ...

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I know how it can see that people just won't leave you alone, but your still rather young. You will have time to yourself, especially when your older and not working or going to school. It can be tough to bear, but your sister, I am sure, is just trying to protect you. Go to London and try to have fun, nonetheless. You won't get that many oppurtunities later in life to visit countries, as you'll be tied down with work.

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Well it seems like you don't know why, but then you say that you know so don't lecture you..?


You're 16 years old, and even adults have things happen to them.


If you can still go, and be escorted, then which would you rather? Stay home, or go out someplace new?


I mean, after all, you said throughout your whole post that you understand why.

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Understanding is one thing. I think it shows great maturity that you DO understand. But dealing with the frustration of wanting independence and not feeling like you're trusted is another story.


Its really tough to know that you can do certain things and then convey that to parents or older siblings who aren't so sure.


I really feel for you mysterious gurl, but there's not a whole lot you can do other than to keep showing your maturity. Go along, make the best of it and gain their trust slowly. I think you could certainly still have an awesome time. London is a great town!


It wouldn't hurt to have a chat to your sisters about how you feel though. Let them know that while you do appreciate their concern, you feel like they don't trust you. Ask for little trust-building freedoms while you're there. A walk by yourself, a run to the store...


I think you have every right to vent and be upset. Its a tough spot to be in when you're independent but no one really knows it yet. But try to enjoy their concern while you have it.

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