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I got the Phone Number now what

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I asked for the phone number of this girl I may like and she gave it to me. She is always very nice to me and we talk often. I am not sure if that necessarily means that she likes me as more than a friend. Does it? If I phone her should I just talk to her (I saw her every day for about 2 weeks) or ask her out or should I ask her out at work when we are together just the two of us? Is bowling and dinner a good idea for a first date? Please Help

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it's hard to tell if she likes you, it's no guarantee. so, i think you should ask to hang out, do something chill and laid back, something you both like to do and take it easy. Have Fun!! don't worry about the liking, if you spend more time with her, it will be more clear. and if she actually agrees to do something that's a super good sign.

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