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i need 2 get ovr him fast its ruining my life, help

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me and my bf wer goin out 4 about a year and a half and we split in june 1st and eva since then ive needed him so much i cant stop like talking 2 him and i no i should coz everytime i do he ignores me and stuff even though he says he wants 2 b mates, i just dont get how sum1 can do that hed b talking 2 me then all of a suden shut up and eventualy say im busy, which is really anoying because everytime it gets 2 me and i get andgry and go on and on at him and pour all my feelings out.


I no i should prob stop all contact wiv him but i duni theres sumin hoding me bck maybe him saying he still likes me a bit and he duno if well get bck 2 gever in da future which is very aoying coz i just want a straight answer. He finally told me dat it was my fault we split i always wanted him 2 talk etc, thoiugh so did he i felt like i was forsed 2 talk 2 him, but neways i dont understand y he didnt tell me this wen we wer 2gever.


im sory 4 goin on i just need sum advise on how 2 get ovr him, coz its so bad cants top thinking of him and its almost been 2 months and hell absoulutly fine, i duno maybe a magic sentanse 2 say 2 him that he will respond 2 that will help omg i duno wish id nvr meet him coz i need him more than eva and it hurts more than neting eva has b4, neways i do hope 4 sum replies plez. B

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It is always hard after a break up as the feelings for the other person are still there. You have to think long and hard about the reasons for the break up and sometimes you may never know the reasons for the break up. All you can do is try to talk to the other person but if they do not want to talk then you cannot make them. Look at what has happened and how you are being treated, if the treatment is not good for you then it is best to move on.


Its not easy to move on and it takes time, but things do get easier and I have found that only time makes it easier. You can't just stop thinking about someone or loving someone, but you can stop if affecting your life by keeping your life ticking over. Just go about your day to day things and try something new You will feel better, just takes time

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