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Question for everyone doing NC?

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Hey Didyoumissme. I'm still feeling blue guys.... haven't slept a wink.

*hugs Red* aaww sorry to hear that you haven't slept. I can sleep okay if I take my aniexty medicine. But, if it wasn't for the medicine I'd probably wouldn't get any winks at night either..


How are you feeling today? I'm okay, hanging in there..


I hope to really get all over this one day.:sleeping:

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I feel i'm in a strange place. I get contacted by her every few weeks or so. I broke NC once. her myspace page was filled with low self-esteem, and self loathing things. she was also trying to reach out to me through the page. She hurt me so bad, but after seeing her page, i became offended, and told her to take that stuff off. i don't regret doing it, but I felt in doing so, i kept giving my strength to her, my secrets. I am not a counselor, but everytime she comes over, it's about what's going wrong in her life, which is quite a bit, since she left me. she has no backbone!

seeing that she had no backbone made me see something. I never wanted a woman with no strength. I know therer are a lot of men who feel like they want a woman to protect, and pretty much smother. i wasn't never like this. i thought she was strong, i thought she was more than I thought she was. i guess i fooled myself for 7 years. it's ok. now I see, amd i don't wear rose colored glasses. it makes NC easier for me to see that i was all wrong about her.if she had been strong, she would have talked with me about what bothered her, and done what she did.

think of the things that make this person unappealing. think of the things you couldn't stand about this person. it helps me. what do i do in the meantime? well, i do have a lot of free time, but seeing that I now live by myself, I sit, i think, i get things out (crying, swearing, etc.) and I fill MY place with my energy. friends have come over, and they say it's like she never lived here. It feels good, especially when the place is clean, and yes I do clean, ha ha !

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I really try not to count the days. It still hurts when I think over on everything that was said & done.

As much as it hurts and very hard to do, it's all pointless. I'm still moving on.

I know he was never nearly as hurt/sad/mad over this as much as I am.

I can see that I cared more all along. So, if he's living his life happy and not worrying about me at all,Then why should I worry or be miserable over this anymore? It seems like us not talking doing NC doesn't bother him at all.. So, why should it bother me?

I must move on, don't worry, be happy.

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good afternoon, we all missed you! just came accross this thread - how long have you been sticking with NC? Tomorrow marks 5 weeks for me. Been a tough road at times, but one worth traveling. Thing that keeps making things difficult is that I keep running into the ex's friends when I am out at night. Not quite sure how to interpret the fact that her friends are being very friendly with me. one close friend of hers always directs the conversation in a way to dig for information about me.


Keepin on keepin on the NC bandwagon....

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I'm trying to hang in there.. I don't really have a choice now. It's very,very hard tho. I'm missing not only him, But.. some old friends who I also be so closed to back in the day.. Why do things have to change? Why can't it ever be the same? I don't like changes for the worst. I don't like any kind of change at all. I'm sorry, But.. I'm having a very sad moment right now. I'm trying really hard not to email, call him. It's been well over a month since I called him. He can't call me since my phone number has been changed. As much as I want to give him my new number, I know it's not a good idea. Plus, he doesn't or hasn't responsed any emails back to me. The last email was the end of August that I sented. When I just say Hi, how are you doing? Type email. I just want the pain, hurt to end. I don't want to hurt anymore. I want to be happy. I don't wanna feel sad, Because why should I care when it's obvious he doesn't care or feeling sad wanting to contact me. I've always been such a good friend to him too and I guess all along I've tried for nothing.

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I know he wasn't really a true/good friend of mine. But, I still think of him alot and wished he thought of me and actually cared and wanted me for a friend. He was the one who actually said to me

"don't call me or email me anymore for a while" So, I'm still trying to respect his wishes and not contact him at all.

I don't know if he meant to never contact him ever again or if it meant just for right now?

and/or I don't know if he meant "anymore for a while" as in a couple weeks, months, years? I'm so confused too right now. I want to ask him, But.. I can't. I keep checking my hotmail. But, he hasn't emailed me at all.. It's been over a month now. So, I guess he don't need or want me for a friend anymore.

I'm so sad right now, tears are pouring out of my eyes endlessly right now. I want to call/email him again to ask if we can still be friends and if he will still be my buddy,ask him if he's mad/hate me. But, I know I can't , I have to let only"him" go. Our friendship was not meant to be. I must try to stay strong, move on with my life with my true, real friends

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Ive been reading what everyone has to say about NC, and im not sure that its something that works for everyone. What I find so hard to understand is why 2 people that are mature enough to enter into a relationship and are able to talk, just cant sit down and talk things out...no matter what the outcome is going to be. For me I had been seeing someone over 2 years. Granted it was a LD relationship we spoke everyday...sometimes 5 or more times. Then all of a sudden things just changed. Not that we had a fight or anything like that...I mean just changed. I wanted him to just step up to the plate and tell me that it was over. I have asked him a number of times and he wont tell me YES or NO. I dont want to do the NC so that I have to sit home...wondering the reason WHY and not being able to have him give me a reason. Makes you have to sit and stew on it...while they take the easy way out...Cowardly and you have to admit that sitting back and not saying what you really feel to them is down right FrUsTrAtInG!!!!! I didnt have the time to sit through all the posts but I ask a question to everyone...What do you do when he/she calls you? I got the silent treatment for almost a month from him and then one night I get an "Im sorry...just been real busy..havent checked messenger in 2 days" BS this is a man that has 2 phones bolted to his side....with mobile messenger...I didnt answer and got "Ok...guess ur not gonna answer me" Taste of his own med...Grrrr...Cant figure it out anymore....

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