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How bad did your relationship end?

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Just a quick question. I would like to hear some stories on how badly some of your relationships ended, as in yelling and screaming type of endings, like "I never wanna see or talk to you again!" or calling them every name in the book.


Was just curious what the aftermath was after those horrible endings. Did some of you come back to apologize later on, or makeup? Or did you still stay angry for a long time and hold true to your word about keeping them out of your life? Or did you regret saying mean things and wanting them gone, even if you were already ex's or just friends at the time of the blowup? Or did you really miss them later on, and think "what have I done!"

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Our breakup originally was not that bad. My bf broke up with me and I took it pretty calmly at first and we parted on ok terms. I was hoping that after two weeks that he would come back to me. Two weeks passed and I didnt hear anything from him, so I called him and asked if we could get together. He had me come meet him at his house. His best friend was there. All three of us got to drinking and I drank a bit too much that night and I had a full blown fight with him. We yelled and screamed at each other all night long and threw bottles at each other. We definetly woke the neighbors and I am glad the cops didnt get called. The next day he didnt want to talk to me again. I dont remember what was all said that night since I was so drunk. I know he holds that night against me and he uses that as a reason why he is still broken up with me.


Drinking too much is not a good thing, esp after breakups.

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Mine was a civil, fake smiles-and-hugs, thanks-it's-been-fun, see-you-around, best wishes type of deal...


If I had to do it over again, I'd have laid it all out there and we'd have had it out...but I was too worn down and emotionally exhausted I didn't really care at that point...


So mine was the canned kind...the worst kind in my opinion...

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Just a quick question. I would like to hear some stories on how badly some of your relationships ended, as in yelling and screaming type of endings, like "I never wanna see or talk to you again!" or calling them every name in the book.


Was just curious what the aftermath was after those horrible endings. Did some of you come back to apologize later on, or makeup? Or did you still stay angry for a long time and hold true to your word about keeping them out of your life?


I've had some pretty heated exchanges with boyfriends in the past, we've called each other every name under the sun, etc, etc.....but if we've meant anything to each other, we soon kissed and made up. Couples usually do make up, if they are in love.


But one argument can usually lead to another, then another, then another and it's when this has happened, that I've called it a day with the guy in question and it's been over, PERIOD, we didn't get back together again, nor did we speak again.

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My last relationship was terrible. I had a problem with his drinking and he had supposedly had given up and then out of the blue he went on a bender with his friends, I abused him, ignored him for a week and he meet someone else 2 days after our fight, he was engaged to her 7 weeks later ( we went out and lived together for nearly 2 years) I changed my number, and he kept leaving messages for five months after I ended any contact. I spoke to him after these 5 months (telling me he loved me etc..)and he continuously blamed me for the breakup, it's only been in the last week that he has taken 90% of the responsibility of our break up and that is only because he has broken up with his fiance' and is finally doing a little soul searching.


If he was truly sorry he would have asked for my forgiveness and tried to get back, however, he seems to have moved on from all of his past relationships. Do they come back grovelling - I think not, when people finally are rational they realise there is no future with the past.


I am just so happy that he has finally accepted responsibilty for his destruction of our relationship. - that is all I needed to make me happy.

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I broke up over email....pretty lame i know, but she didn't give me any options. She hung up on me when i wanted to know where i stood in the relationship because of her lack of commitment, she apparently was still talkin to her ex and would go out with him if they felt so, he apparently was preparing to get engaged to her, huh...anyways,she wouldn't call me for the next few days. The way she hung up and the way she treated me in the relationship....i didn't see this going anywhere. Anyways i did leave a door open on her to get back but after one month of NC she calls back, sayin i screwed her life and promised her mother to marry her and backed off. I thought i was the one who got dumped. i still politely explained her all the issues in our relationship again thinkin she would probably work it out this time.....i was wrong, she preferred to be single and just wanted to get out of the relationship with all sorts of lame excuses for being the person she thought she was. She felt that would be the right thing to do, very unpredictable mindwise.I know she might have got back with her ex now.


i did get all those mails from her tellin me to screw up with my life.


Glad its over...pretty hard to put up with such a girl. She is sweet otherwise, just has a confused heart for lovin 2 guys at the same time....now thats bad, sux big time and is very much unhealthy for anyone to be in.

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My breakup occurred when I found out she cheated on me. I was a mess and sold my car and left the state. She calls me to say she is pregnant and that it's mine. Not possible as I KNOW she had her period since we last had sex. Also found out that was just a lie too. She ran my name through the ground (or attempted to) when I was no longer there to defend myself. Long story short if I never see her again it would be too soon and she got what was coming - she got an STD last I heard and my friends all turned around and told her to get lost and stood up for me.

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Last Valentines Day....over the phone...an hour before dinner plans! We had been dating for 4 months and everything was really good between us until she got scared, panicked, and ran. She took the cowards way out, and she still occasionally lamely attempts to contact me via "no message" calls..etc..etc..It's been a year and I'm still thinking about her too...crazy, emotionally dysfunctional, and neurotic woman! Valentines Day? and over the phone too?....talk about an "emotional Pearl Harbor"! WHO DOES SOMETHING LIKE THAT??????????????? It still feels like "emotional rape"...and it's been a whole year.

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I ended my last relationship on the proverbial “last straw” – we had been having the same fight for about 3 months, and every time he would say something like, “well, I’m happy, I don’t see the problem”. I eventually got tired of hearing that, and accepted that he just didn’t listen. I got up from where I was sitting, said, “well, that’s it for me” calmly. There was no anger or fighting left in me. I was supposed to have dinner with him and his mom that night, but I just left his apartment and KNEW that it was over. I just didn’t care anymore. I had realized that hearing myself repeat the same things over and over again was a waste of time, and I just wanted to be free and clear of him. I don't think he thought I was serious until I didn't see him for over a week and when I did, I was happy and didn't even mention our issues.


I do not miss him, did not try to get back together with him, and was actually much happier when I moved out (even though he was vindictive and kept some of my valuables – I just said KEEP’EM). He did try to get back together with me, but I did not love him at all anymore.


I think you realize that things are really over when you just don't care anymore.

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One of my more interesting breakups was when I saw an ex at a club holdin hands and kissing some guy. I had specifically told her i was going to this certain club that night, and lo and behold she just happened to show up with some dude.


Looking back at it I think she was too much of a coward to break up with me and wanted me to do it for her by letting me see her with this new guy. Long story short I confronted them outside and when he told me to leave "his" girl alone I lost it and proceeded to stomp him into the ground. Lucky for him and me the cops saved him or I might be writing this from a correctional facility . Needless to say we couldn't salvage the relationship. Never had a sit down talk or explanation to lay everything out just a simple F-U and F-U back. Ahhh the good ole days.

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