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theres this girl at school...i see her in halls everyday basically, i dont know her nor have i talked to her. the past ...2 weeks i noticed that she is always staring at me...i'd be walking down the stairs and from side of my eye i can see her staring right at me...today was walking down hall again and right before we passed she was just looking straight into my eyes...but had no expression on her face...is the looking good or bad..maybe i should say something .......shes one of those loud outgoind girls so if she was interested im sure she would say something first..maybe.

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gaahhhh...still didnt say anything to her. today too...passed by her like 5 times, she was always looking right at me...looked like she was smiling at me but i just turned away cuz im an idiot ](*,) what should i say..just..hi..whats up? anything is good i suppose. so much easier when your high...but no i wont do that again.

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say hi and walk past her. If you take the attitude that when you say something to her, you don't HAVE to do anything but can walk away instead, you actually might do it. Then next time she will respond better and you will feel more comfortable....

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It's alright. My best friend missed several chances to talk to a girl he was noticing. He kept beating himself over it. But he kept going. He kept trying and eventually, he did it. You can do it to. Just don't get so down on yourself and go for it next time.

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I have a question that is similiar to this. The other day I was looking out the window and then I turned my head and saw this girl was staring right at me and then she saw that I was looking at me and she turned her eyes. Is this good? You see these whole signs really confuse me because the last girl or lets say girls I liked would do stuff like staring (I think) or they would giggle when I looked at them etc, yet they said they dont think of me in the way other than a friend. Yes im confused, so perhaps someone can help me from their experiences?

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RIPDMIME - You can't really tell from one incident. A lot of times, I'll find myself "staring" at someone when I'm actually just zoning out in class. Or if I'm staring out the window, sometimes the person sitting by the window looks at me funny, and I always look away because I don't want them to think that I am a huge creep or that I like them.

However, when I like someone, I also look at them in class. Only, I take nearly any opportunity, and often, I will look away when he looks in my direction. Usually, however, you start to notice a pattern. If, every day for the next week or two, she still seems to stare at you in class a lot, you might have something there.

You also need to try to read her expression. Sometimes, I find myself staring at someone I just find interesting, or someone I really DISlike. I like to observe people. But that might just be me.

As you can tell, this is really not at all straightforward...but hey, neither are people. If everyone was easy to analyze and figure out, life would be a whole lot easier for a whole lot of us.

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Alright, its just that on a bus I was sitting pretty far back and she had to turn to look at me. Anyways I still dont understand the giggling or whispering that those girls did, it always seemed like they were interested in me and then because I was shy they stopped showing interest and then when I asked them they said they thought of me as a friend. So im just confused could it just be that they were interested in how I look because I look a lot different than everyone because im a metalhead and people dont see that very often. Blah well anyways girls are confusing thats all I have to say.

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