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Proabably one of the most popular topics, when it comes to discussion. I may be young, but I have lot's of experience in the bedroom. I don't discriminate against any women, I love all women. Young and old. Example: The oldest I have ever been with is 53 yrs old and by far the best.


I just got done reading a few posts about sexual preferences, age, experience, and things you can do to spice up that aspect of the relationship. So I was wondering, What are your guy's sexual preferences? Does experience really matter? Where do you draw the line with age (18+)? What sort of things do you guys do to spice up your sex lives? Has a signifigant other ever done anything extra special, to where they had it all planned out or have you ever planned something? and What is the most adventurous experience you have ever gone through?(detailed if you like)


I know this post is very personal, but I think it could be a lot of fun as well.


My Story.


Well first I prefer women, age means nothing to me as long as they are legal, it just comes down to if there is an attraction, I prefer a woman that has had some experience, I'm a bit of a freak when it comes to the bedroom, so I will try anything once within reason. No none of my signifigant others really had anything planned out, they just did it when the time came. I have on the other hand planned many occasions. The best goes like this:


I closed all the shades, lit some candles, put some soft music on. I had some special massage lotions and some handcuffs ready to go. I played the I can touch you, but you can't touch me game. Ice chips and whipped topping were readily available, as well as a chilled bottle of champagne.


My most adventurous was having sex in a funeral home closet, during her grandfathers funeral. With her family standing right outside the door. It was my other friends funeral and he had this hot cousin. It was kinky, hot, and morbid all at the same time. It wasn't really planned, just spur of the moment. We were talking and wanted somewhere more private and we found the closet. We found a coffin to sit on and she made a joke about hoping there wasn't a stiff inside. God I wanted to give her something stiff. She so looked so good in the black dress she was wearing and somehow the topic of sex came up. She told me how much she loved to look at porn and asked me if I could keep a secret. Of course I said yes, she told me she wasn't wearing any panties. So I asked her if she wanted a neck massage, she complied. Then the kissing began and the touching and the caressing. Then a little foreplay, she tasted so good. It was difficult at first to perform sex because we weren't laying down anywhere and she was a lot shorter than me. We worked it out though, (Best position for tall guys and short girls, guy behind standing up, girls, instant orgasm). The closet door had those things like shades, but they were made of wood. You could see out, but you couldn't see in. I made her look at her family as I gave her everything from behind. Unfortunately, I didn't get to hear her scream and her deep moans were muffled by my free hand. To this day I smile every time I pass a funeral home.


Feel free to reply to my story and post your thoughts and stories if you have any. Also, I'm not certified in any way to give sexual advice, but from all the people over the years I have never gotten a complaint on the sexual advice.

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That is disrespectful. You don't have sex at someone's funeral. It's suppose to be about paying respect to the person and their life. It's not a chance to do something kinky.


But to answer the questions:


I don't have a type of women. Age doesn't matter. What matters is that we love each other. The sexiest thing that a women could do for me is to simple love me and let me into her heart and soul, as I would do for her. I don't plan to have sex until I am married. And that would be the most romantic and special thing of all, waiting until I'm married with the person I love above all others and will spend my life with.

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Just because nobody liked him, does not mean his life doesn't deserve respect. When I die, even if nobody likes me, I hope they at least give me a little respect because I did my best in life. Wouldn't you want that? I don't think that getting it on in a closet is quite the way to do that.

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I tried to answer the question, just hard to describe wild sex when I've never had sex. Otherwise, I'd be into the spirit of the post.


Even if he was the worst person ever, mourn what he could have been. Or don't go to the funeral at all. But if you are going to go, at least show some respect.


Anyways, hope you had fun doing that.... and it sounds like you did.

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  • 4 months later...



you people at enotalone a lot of you need to get your head out of your arses... this thread was NOT about the old man irelevant of what you think about that..


Stay AT LEAST A BIT ON TOPIC ... I might only have so so posts but I relise that there isn't something right with this topic and it wasn't a guy having the best sex of his life

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