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How to get this guy to open up when ur also shy???

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Hi people,

Was wondering how to get this guy to open up, been dating him for almost two weeks now, this is my first date ever by the way, I was told it's his first too. Well, thing is I notice he doesn't talk that much, he's kinda quiet and at times he turns around and like smiles, so ok I do the talking, try my best, I'm no good at this either. That's when he does talk, but when I'm done, then it gets kinda silent. But yea, we did make out and kiss, say he liked me. I'm guessing he must be shy and nervous, I'm like this too around guys.

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Two weeks is not that long a time. Sometimes people take awhile to open up. I know I do. I tend to be the shy type when I go on dates and I like to be the one that listens and let the guy talk more. If he is shy, do you know anything about him like his tastes, his hobbies, his likes and dislikes. If you do know something about that, you could always try to start a conversation about something that he likes to do, and then see if he will talk more about himself. Do you guys have anything in common, because if you do, you can talk about that and see if he chimes in.


But, at least he is smiling at you. That is a good start.

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Be a good listener. If you pay attention to what he's sayin gand are interested in it, conversation will just kind of flow because you will pick up on things he's saying and be able to ask him questions about himself and what he's talking about. Guys love to talk about themselves. Honestly, don't get too personal right away, unless he indicates he wants to go there. But guys really do love to talk about themselves.


But, he probably wants to find about you, too. So let him get to know you, too! And if it gets awkward, ask him a question about himself. For instance if you were talking about music earlier, you could say, "You mentioned you like so and so, have you ever seen them live?" If he says yes, ask him more about it. If he says no, maybe mention a time when you saw a live concert that you liked, or ask him if he likes live music..who he's seen...etc. That's just an example, but there's hundreds of things to talk about.


if you're genuinely interested in each other, you're so eager to learn about each other that conversation just flows. Be a good listener and just have fun. If there's silences (which there always seem to be when people are nervous), they will only be awkward if you feel uncomfortable about it. Just relax and smile and have fun.

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