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i used to sit around this girl in school and i think signs were being thrown around like crazy. (she would wink at me, she'd tell me how much she wishes she was sitting right next to me, whenever the chair next to was empty she'd sit in it, and others)

now im not a mack daddy or whatever, so i kinda doubted that they were signs at the time.

anywho, about 4 weeks ago i went up to where she works and she gave me her number, i didnt even ask, she just said "hey let me give you my number!"

kinda caught me off guard


to be brutally honest, i have no idea what this girls doing...she's BEAUTIFUL! and i'm...well i've never even had a GF


so i have her number....but i cant make the phone call...and i DONT KNOW WHY!!!!

its like all the sudden im scared to talk to her

for 4 weeks i've had her number, and have yet to call

im just praying that she hasn't forgotten about me.


this is like a once in a lifetime thing, a real life beauty and the beast.


any help you can give, i'll appreiciate more then you could ever know

thanks 8)

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MAKE THAT CALL!!!! LOL Just call and say you took so long because you had to keep recovering from the heart attacks you got everytime you picked up the receiver to call her. She's so beautiful and you can't believe your luck!!!!! lol Call!


Just be honest about how freaked out you are, and that will just make you double cute!!! ;-)



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Lets say i do call her...



What would i say?

What would i do?

Is this grounds for thinking that this might bloom into somthing more then friendship? Should i strive for something more?

i honestly thought that we would just be school friends. And when the summer hit, then that would be the end.


like i said, im no romeo

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Say what I said to say! LOL I think it is charming, and explains that you were not playing some hard to get game.


You will never know the answers to any of your questions until YOU CALL!!!!! ;-)


Just tell her you have a shy problem. I am sure if she is beautiful she has had her share of Romeo's! Maybe she is just looking for someone ........like you!


Go for it, or you will kick yourself about it for months!!!! She isn't going to hang up on you, she gave you her number, but if wait any long......beautiful women have hurt egos to! Quit waiting, your blowing it!!!! ;-) What have you got to lose?



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I am just wondering if you are such a big fat loser, why did she give you her number? You are making decisions about what you think she thinks.


The only reason why she would think you are a loser........is because YOU DIDN'T CALL!!!!!!


There is healty fear, and there is fear that has no legs. Your fear has no legs, and when that happens....you need to just plow right through that.


Try again. Pick up the phone, and call. Let her know you were to lip tied to call sooner. She will understand. It isn't like your shyness would be some big secret. That is probably something she liked about you, BUT you still have to make that call or you will never know! ;-)


Come back and post how it went. You will either be licking your wounds or on cloud nine! Either way....you risked it.



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well i called, swallowed my fear and made the call


good news is she remembers me

bad news is

i screwed the conversation up pretty badly


it lasted all of 4 minutes

she was asleep and she told me that she was going to the doctor for a sore throat later today

and i told her where i was going for lunch



she asked if i wanted her to call when she got back from the doc

and inside im screaming "HELL YA I DO!!!!" but i end up asking her when it would be...


then she tells me that i should call her whenever i get a chance, and i didnt say anything to that....


and the whole time it feels like she was being short with me

like she just wants to hang up or something.


well now she has MY number and im on the internet all day...so she'll prolly try to call and she wont get through because im on dial-up


god i hate this...this...game

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LOL Good for you! She was probably groggy cause you woke her up, and you were nervous, so over all I think it went well. Don't wait for her to call. Call her and see how she is feeling, and maybe ask her out. The worst thing that happens is she says no. No big thang!!! Next!


Good for you for facing your fear. Things like that aren't easy. The more you do it, the less stressful it becomes to do it.


Take her to the zoo. ;-)



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well i called her up again later that day (monday)


it went much smoother!

talked to her like i used to in school

lots of laughing and i wasnt even scared...at all!

(in fact, i think i detectede a little fear in her voice )


anywho she asked if i wanted to go to lunch with her friends on thursday

i said i was interested and she told me she'd call back on wednesday with more information


but she never did


i didnt wanna seem pathetic or whatever so i didnt call her either


so now its thursday and im home alone


i guess there goes my beauty


thanks for your help though

all i really needed was a good kick in the ass i guess

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