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Are my friends looking out for me or hurting me?

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i got home last night and got an email from friend. Like everyone else he is very much addicted to myspace. I personally don't have an account nor do I want one. This email contained an attachment that reads:


You probably don’t want to see this but you must read this to make you understand that she is not worth your love and tears. Sorry to do this but it’s for your own good. We h----d in and found this, brace yourself. It will hurt but it’s for your own good.



Hi love.

Happy V Day to you! You'll get some good lovin' today...

See you after you're done skating, so we can hike.

Love you!

(her initials)



just sending you some love via myspace.


i hope you had a great valentines day, i know i did. i know we'll have many more to come. thanks for being the greatest boyfriend ever. i've never been happier in my life, and that is all because of you. i love you and always will.





You know who sent these messages and you know who they are for so take them as they are.


This is a reminder for you, (my name), to move the f#$k on. F#$k her and live a life full of happiness and success. The grass is greener on the other side. You have so much going for you and to dwell on this * * * * is stupid.


Just say to yourself, “F#$k it” and turn your back. Don’t you look back, (my name). Don’t you look back. Forget her and continue on. Just think of it like this: She never meant those 3 little words. If she did she would have never done this to you.


Be well and stay positive.


I really did not want to see this. When I read this I was upset but I figured I would use it to my advantage. This I will use to continue my healing process.


Why was I upset and a little heartbroken? Because the words she says to her new boyfriend are the exact words she told me weeks before breaking up with me. It feels as though she was talking to me again but she is not. This she would alwyas say to me, "i know we'll have many more to come. thanks for being the greatest boyfriend ever. i've never been happier in my life, and that is all because of you. i love you and always will." Everything, every email, text message, note, was a lie and I feel betrayed and led on. This really sucks. AH!


This reinforces my previous question about how to act when I see my ex. I will pretend just as she has with me. If she is so happy with her new boyfriend why does she feel like she needs to text me or even want to see me?


Please help me! I don't know how to use this information to better myself and erase her from my memory even when I still have some feelings for her.

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I think your friends are genuinely concerned about you, and can see how this girl has hurt you and what she is capable of. By showing you this blog, they are trying to show you that she is not worth one more ounce of your time. If she did indeed just say those words to you just a few weeks back, and can now say those same exact words to someone else, that would raise my suspicions on a few things. Thank your friends for showing you this and from keeping you from being blind to her.

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Your friend did you a big favor. Yes, its hurts like hell. Yes, it feels like a knife went through your heart, but your friend was right. She doesn't deserve you. You deserve better than this. Here is what you have to do. Tell yourself its over, grieve a little, get mad, go through the healing process then move on.


Believe me if she can't just throw words around so easily she probably doesn't mean it with this guy either. I wouldn't be surprised she either dumps this guy, or gets dumped. Just move on, hold on to your dignity and self respect, and before you know it you will attract a real woman, not a self-centered, immature girl.


Dude, I know it hurts like hell, but I believe your friend did you a huge favor, because now you know its over, and can move on. Its up to you.


Remember, you are the prize. No need to settle for scraps. Move on, you will be stronger and will look back and thank your friend.



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After seven years together this is how she does it. Four months ago she called it off and a week after calling it off she was in a new relationship and .... I am speechless. This hurts so bad but I will take it for what it is and use it. Thanks


I just heard my heart crack open again. Yeah, she is definitely not worth it anymore.

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