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i have just moved to a bording school up in canada and i have met alot of friends including this one gurl! i dont even know how we met but all i know is it just clicked and i never saw her as nuthin but a friend! 5 months into the school year i had started to like her. i flirted and spent time with her anytime i got! but never told her that i liked her because i was afraid of the consequenses of loosing her a friend if i did. so i went on throughout the entire year being nuthin but her friend and bottiling all of the feelings i had for her inside! som people caught on that i liked her but she always seemed to flrit with me too, but i dont know..she kinda does it alot but sometimes i sense that she does it to me on purpose and not accedent! i just dont want to make a mistake! i dont knkow what to do and the new year is coming up and i still like her alot! we have talked a couple time bout our relationship, and i have snuck in about what if we went out! she said i could find someone so much better than her..and she wanted to change the subject! SHOULD I TELL HER OR NO!! IM IN PAIN!!

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Well If I was that girl, and liked you, I wouldn't tell...I think, lol)

Anyway, when she said that you can find someone better than her.....want to know what I think? I say this when I want to hear from I guy that he loves me, and that I'm the best. So maybe she does the same thing. And tell her how you feel, do you meet doring summer? If you do, tell her about ur feelings, cuz summer's a great and a romantic time for a girl ))))) And jsut imagine that you'd have a girlfirend in the dirst day of school......


Ok I'll stop talking) Cuz I wanna cry when I hear a word school)))

just kidding

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Hey dude, totally understand your pain here. this is my advice: go for it. Figure this much, if it doesnt work then you know that it wasnt meant to be. And plus, you may never see her again so you'd better find out before that day comes. I like this girl a lot too (not yours, lol), and she already knows I like her etc. The only way that we have even gotten close to where we are today is by telling each other how we feel. There is a time for joking, flirting, etc... but there is also a time where you have to let it go. Just go for it. Girls need to be persuded... altough this girl and I are having our problems...im sure that it will work out for you (my situation is beyond complicated). Well good luck brother!

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