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Is my generation's health at risk?

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Lately I realize that I hear alot of things about people in their 20-30s getting sick. I have many friends with endometriosis, colon growths, cancers, or I hear of other poeple's friends goign through weird stuff at young ages.


Is there something terribly wrong in the U.S. right now? We know that red meat causes uric acid which cause the PH to go off, which lends its hand to irregular cell growth and changes. We know that processed and Genetically Modified Foods also lack nuturients and throw the alkaline off balance. We know that sugar, tobacco, and alchohol are not good.


Is the FDA someone we should be looking at more closely... are they killing my friends? In some countries fast food is a luxury and more expensive then healthy food...not here... organic healthy food is, and way too expensive to incorporate into your diet.


In a poluted world where our food system is as corrupt as our government, why when I pay alot in taxes and have health insurance, I can't have a mamogram in my late twenties????? My grandmother and mother had cancer. What is that about?


And since when is it okay for my uterus to be a political and religious debate???? We have a possible vaccine for HPV which causes cervical cancer, and America is debating whether it is a 'go free' pass to sex??? HUH?


Anyways, I'm getting tired of us just thinking our health is okay and that these stupid people running this place our actually out for our best interest???? My friends are getting sick because we aren't doing anything together...we are all to busy, and lazy, just like they like us.

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If you feel that things aren't being down to help those your age, why not take the initiative? Donate time or money for some cause that means something to you. Volunteer with a trustworthy organization to ask for donations from others. Spread awareness of various illnesses. Do a walk for breast cancer or some other disease. Volunteer at a hospital to spend time with those who are seriously ill. Find some way to get involved if this is something you feel so passionate about.

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I agree. I highly doubt that people are getting diseases younger. The diagnostic technology is just getting better. I'm sure the life expectancy now is much higher than two generations ago. I wouldn't necessarily call our government corrupt. Politicians are always going to favor the thing that gets them more votes or money, but this has always been so. There is a rapidly growing gap between upper and lower class, and people who have health care and don't. I agree that our healthcare system isn't as reliable as say, Canada's, but it's not a third world country either. The way I interpret this is that it is up to each individual to maintain his or her health. Fast food is more prevalent than healthy food, but it's not like it's non-existent. I make sure to exercise, have a somewhat healthy diet, and avoid alcohol and tobacco.

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While yes, it does seem some things are more prevalent...it is also the case that not only are we able to find causes for some things now, but we also have better diagnostic testing and the knowledge and ability to prevent, research and treat.



Years ago, people lived shorter life spans, and died of unknown causes like "consumption". Now we can just be more specific. There are many advances- where diseases that killed many in developed countries years ago are not near nonexistent (ie polio).


Just a note:


Now, my family has high (I mean very high) risk of breast cancer too...my mum is fighting it now. My risk is about 9 times the average. However there are reasons you don't get mammos in your 20's - your tissue is very dense and its not accurate, and mammograms have radiation which can increase risk. Self exams are your BEST bet at that age. Learn how to do them properly (most women don't do them correctly) - go to a specialist to learn. If you TRULY have a high risk (like a genetic mutation), it is possible to get ultrasounds or MRI's more frequently. However if you don't have that gene, your risk is close to normal population. Mammos are not given to everyone at younger ages for very good reasons.


You just need to do the best you can. I exercise daily, eat healthy, and also challenge my mind, love deeply, laugh greatly....do the best and take care of yourself.

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