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First off let me explain the situation to you. There are these three girls that I have known for a few months and I have been attracted to all of them and wanted to hang out etc. about 4 or more months ago I was totally into this one girl but I was shy and I messed it up since I never really talked to her and in that time felt very down for those months, but I moved on and theres the other girl now. You see I got rid of my shyness and I have actualy had conversations with her. Even when I first got to know her (when I was shy) it seemed she was attracted to me, and lately we have had conversations and I have noticed that she has had that caring voice about her when I talk to her the kind that seemed like she was interested. Anyways I have long hair and its a mix of curly and straight and for a while now she has wanted for me to go to her house and she wants to straighten it. First question, is this a good sign? Anyways I want to but I dont really know what to say, so next question is should I just say when do you want to straighten it and just keep asking until a certain day is met? So anyways next up if anything happens at her house I was wondering what I should do, I still am pretty shy around girls and I really wouldnt know what to do in that case, but anyways what should I do and if things go the best they could where should I ask her out on a date, I dont really know where girls like to go?



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Listen don't worry about what's gonna happen at her house- unless that is your only intentions. Just let things go as they come. If she makes a move on you while your over there well just play along.


My suggestion is to use the opportunity as a way to get to know her a little better. If you feel theres more well that's something you will both have to agree on.



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