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Question for the guys....how long before sex?


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Until marriage. I'm saving it for the one girl I am going to spend my life with.


Actually, the better answer is until we are both comfortable with it and ready for it. In my case, that is marriage. But for others, I think its a personal decision that both people have to talk about. A guy should wait until the girl is fully ready and the relationship is serious, just as the girl should wait.

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Hi dwbh,


I'm a girl, but I read your 'i like him but he's coming on to strong' thread. If your question here relates to your personal situation, I'd say if he isn't willing to wait for as long as you need, he's not worth it!


If sex with you is more important to someone than being with you, why would you want to stay with him?


Don't do anything that will make you unhappy!

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Hi Charlit-

Thanx for ur post, yes- my question does somewhat relate to my other thread and I know the importance of first being ready myself. And I'm definitely taking it slow (very slow) with this guy.....


But at the same time I'm curious and was wanting a general consensus as to how long men are willing to wait. I understand that it is different for everybody and is also based on a case by case basis - and there are people like ShySoul, for example, who is willing to wait until marriage - but jus curious to see what other guys think......

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this is a really loaded question. there is no general answer to this. It depends on the guy. If you let him, my younger brother will get you as soon as you let him. there are guys who say they will wait till they are married, but that i think is BS. There is no way in #3!! a guy will wait till marriage. Even if the guy is willing to wait till marriage will his partner wait?


sex is a mutual thing, you both have to want it and you both have to make the decision to do it.



(pardon my poor spelling as i am not at home, and spell check does not work on the browsers here at work)

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I agree.


It really does depend on the guy. I've known of some guys who have rules: If a girl doesn't give in by a certain amount of time she's gone.


I also know guys who date girls and totally leave it up to the girl.


In the end, it's all about you. How long are YOU willing to wait? Do you want to save it till marriage? Then do it. Don't justify your answer based on a time-line given to you by a guy.


This is something you don't want to rush, believe me.

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There is no way in #3!! a guy will wait till marriage. Even if the guy is willing to wait till marriage will his partner wait?


If the partner loves and respects the guy, she will. I've heard from men who say it and women who say it. And I've heard from those who wish they had waited. I could have found someone to have sex with if thats what I wanted. I could find a relationship and have sex in it. But my determination is strong and I know in my heart what I really want. And it'll one day come true.


It is a personal decision. There's no answer or general consensus. The question is really more for curiosity sake I think.

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Bottom line is, if he likes you he'll wait as long as you need (unless he suspects your just playing with him...which he shouldn't suspect unless you actually ARE).


I do realize I'm not a guy, but think about it logically. If he wants to have sex and you say you're not ready will he really ditch you in a couple months if he likes being with you? I've heard the three date rule, but I still contend that a guy will wait longer than that if he likes you lots and lots (and is he really worth it if he doesn't like you that much? No!)

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