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Does he still have feelings for his ex??

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Alright so it's almost a yr of our relationship so far and it's been 4 months since I'm living with him, but I'm getting the feelings that he still loves/have feelings for his ex, that he isn't over her yet. To make the story short, let's call his ex, Marie. Marie was his first g/f of 4 yrs. He break up cuz she cheated on him and he never recover from it, though she wanted to stay, kept begging him to, he left. Now, they just friends and yea, once in a while they do talk on phone, but just as friends, which I'm ok with, as long as there is no feelings involve and in case he wants to be back with her, all he has to do is break up with me. So anyways, wut I'm more concern about is when he sleeps, he talks about her in his dreams, calls her name, but he also does sleepwalks and calls her name so frequently. Also says things like "Marie my love" and so on. Off course I confronted him about this and he says that dreams are just dreams. He does informs me that nothing is going on, that he is with me now, that wutever happen b/w them is the past, and that she currently is dating someone else, which is true. But those dreams and his sleepwalks are so often that I get that feeling that they still want to get back. So wut else can I do here, I did confront him, did have a long talk about this, but he still confirms dreams are just dreams and that maybe I'm just exxagerating.

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dreams are just dreams...But I would be upset too, just because he's talking about his ex, and not you! There's nothing he can do, and has no control over his dreams or sleepwalking. Who knows if he still has feelings for her? Only he knows, and even then, he could just be lying to himself because he doesn't WANT to still have feelings for her. Perhaps he should see a doctor regarding sleep talking and sleep walking...It really could mean nothing. My boyfriend tells me I sleep talk sometimes, and he'll never let me live down the one time I said: "my mom has all the harry potter books"...which she definitly has never even picked up a harry potter book. Lol.

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Welcome to ENA! It's pretty safe to say that he still has feelings for his ex but that is not an abnormal thing. Look around here, there are those that have been dealing with their feelings for many months, even years after a break up. This does show that he is a caring and loving person, he was cheated on and he still feels something and dreams about her! He is with you and he has been for a year, do you feel like you are a second choice?


I can understand that hearing her name at night may be troublesome for you but obviously it's troubling him too. He was hurt badly and there is something that he is still struggling with. When someone gets dumped and infidelity was involved, there are often deep scars and it will take time for him to get over her. Talk to him and try to understand what it is that still haunts him. Be supportive and not confrontational, we are talking about dreams here which are manifested by the subconscious. He doesn't jump in bed every night trying to dream about her. If this proves too much, you have the option to walk away.



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