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i feel very unsure of myself right now. my sexual orientation is dwelling on inside of me. im usually a really fun bubbley person. but lately i just cant explain myself. i have all these crazy feelings inside, but i just cant let them out. its all foggy and im in a state of where im studdering and cant get out what im going to say. i have feelings for girls, and i still lable myself as bisexual. how is that? i need some feedback on how to find your sexuality

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I don't think you can "find" your sexuality. I think you know it, it's just if you go with what you truly want. I think we all at one time or another question our sexuality.


I did. I was about your age when I worked with a gal who was a lesbian. We got along great, she was smart, funny, pretty, and would call me on my b.s. I developed a crush on her and it confused me because it was the same type feeling I got about guys too. I thought am I gay? I was so torn because I had always thought guys were it for me. The crush never amounted to anything but that and she was the only woman I ever had those sort of feelings for.


I think you can reaffirm your sexuality as I feel I did after my crush on her. I knew that I was heterosexual and not bi or gay.


I suggest you look to see if they have any gay teen centers in your area or check out the GLAAD website for some resources. Perhaps talking to someone who has been in your shoes can help you by just letting you talk and you finding that path where you would like to travel on.


Good Luck and please use these boards as a way of venting, asking advice, or even to help others with their posts.

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Hi to you both, please don't tie yourselves up in knots trying to give yourselves labels. I know its very confusing, and I wish when I was your age I could have relaxed and allowed my sexuality to develop naturally. It doesn't matter if you're gay/bi/straight, just do what feels right for you, so long as you aren't making your choices to conform to what you think other people want. I agree with a post above, try to seek out gay/bi groups who can give you information and support. If you feel more comfortable with the idea of being bi/gay then you will be better able to listen to what your inner person is telling you. Not sure if i'm explaining this very well!xxxx

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I think I'd worry less about labels than I would about relationships. To be honest, I think you'll only know if you are bi or lesbian if you actually have a romantic relationship with someone of the same sex (and bi if you have romantic relationships with people of both sexes) .. until then, it may be a question in your mind, but you won't know for sure. I wouldn't worry much about it, however, and simply move forward, pursuing those in whom you have a romantic interest, and seeing what happens.

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You are going through a tough time, questioning yourself and trying to decide what it is your heart is telling you. This is all a part of the process of finding out who we are. It can be confusing, frustrating, and annoying. But in time things will become clearer. Try not to worry about it so much. If you are gay/bi/straight, it doesn't change the good person you are inside. You'll know your orientation in time, when the right person comes along that gives you those feelings. In the meantime, try to relax and have fun.

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i have feelings for girls, and i still lable myself as bisexual. how is that? i need some feedback on how to find your sexuality

This kind of reminds of what was once said on here, "Bisexual with Homosexual tedencies". I'm not very fond of the tendencies wording, sounds like some type of psychological disturbance spectrum stuff, anyhow back to the point, that I believe may sum it up in a nutshell.


Bisexuality is a foggy section of sexuality to start out with. In general, from what I gather, most individuals whom identify as bisexual are not strictly in the perfect happy medium. Often they lean towards either male or female, and prefer one over the other in relationships but can "work with" either sex.


I suppose it truly depends on you. If you can imagine yourself with both men and women, I presume that you would be Bisexual but if you only think of women, say, and have a forced interest in men due to social situations, then most likely lesbian. Its complex to a degree and since none of us can do mind reading it really just comes down to how you feel about both genders and relationships in all aspects, in a nutshell.


I'd say if you truly want to label yourself while coming out, you're Bisexual if you intend on possibly having a relationship with either sex and are "gender blind" in love. Then it follows through with the whole routine, strict interest in men is straight, strict interest in women is lesbian. That of course is a very blunt and to the point description.

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