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I am just wondering. How much can u trust a straight guy radar on another guy being gay? one of my bestt friend is trying to hook me up with another potentially to be gay guy..who is kinda hot

and all the assumption he has is this guy has not had a gf for a long long time eventhough he has tonnes of hot normal gf. Maybe I think straight guy can tell if another guy is interested in girl or not.

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I met this guy who currently is now one of my closest friends who just makes me always think he may be gay. He has a girlfriend, but she lives out of state, and other than that he has had few girlfriends. Hence, he is a nice-looking guy. It seems like everytime I talk to him or hang out with him, I get this feeling that when we look into each others eyes we were "meant for each other". Now, I know that's a little to emotional but when were talking or he's talking to me, he always looks at me straight in the eyes and I can see his eyes look down to my mouth every so often. After he says something, for example a joke, he'll laugh and then still stare me in the eyes and theres this awkward silence as we look at each other, eventually one of us breaks it by him then suddenly looking at the television or talk about something else. Just when he looks at me it's almost like that "make-out" feeling. But, I don't wanna risk anything if it turns out he's straight. We see each other every day, he has made a nickname for me, is always telling me he loves me, which I assume in the friendly way. He has grabbed my cheeks before and told me he loves me. I'm dieing to know if he's at least bi-sexual, but I'm still not sure, and don't want to like go in for a kiss when it turns out he freaks out and everybody knows. Any ideas?

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