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Is it wrong to feel hatred towards Valentines Day? Every year for me it's been the same. Watch everybody get a Valentine but me. Everyone gets cinnamen hearts, or candy, or flowers, or sumthing! But, I NEVER have. Not even from my family. Well, I got a card or two from a friend or two, but it's just not the same. I've never really liked valentines Day. I don't know why. But I wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day anyways!

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Of course it's not wrong in the same way people who alone tend to avoid Christmas Day. But there will come a time, not so far away, when you will celebrate the day with those who do have partners, for you will have one yourself. You are going through a tough time right now, judging by your posts, but if you can stay as positive as you can, and not become embittered, you will come to a time when you will be happy.

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I have never had a valentine myself or a boyfriend (except I am way older than you at 31...wow, that's pretty self-actualizing to admit that You know what I do? I treat myself well--I get a manicure, or I take myself out to dinner. I treat myself well...why not, right? I am sure you'll have your day when you have a valentine. In the meantime, do something special for yourself that day.


Enjoy the day!


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Thats the best thing to do, is to treat yourself to something special. The V - day can be distressing when you have no one to spend it with. Alot of us dont have a special some one at the moment. I have a few select plans for myself that day as well. Doing something for ourselves out of the ordinary can boost our moral.

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Wow... you guys should just fly over to Holland. I know no people who actually celebrate V-day here, although the stores are filled with red hearts and teddybears... I myself have never worried about it (single or not)... So, feel free to visit my gray country!

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Valentine's Day is just another hallmark holiday, so I never make a big issue of it. At school I never got sent a Valentine's Day anything! There were certain people at school who would tell me I was getting something from this boy I had a crush on... and then watch me get disappointed and laugh at me!


I wouldn't take it seriously if I were you... there are more important things than worrying about if you are going to get a Valentine's card or flowers... it sounds good but really it's not worth the effort in the end!



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Watch everybody get a Valentine but me. Everyone gets cinnamen hearts, or candy, or flowers, or sumthing! But, I NEVER have. Not even from my family. Well, I got a card or two from a friend or two, but it's just not the same.
I've never received a card from anyone, period. Be thankful.


Still, I suppose it might be worse if you're in the USA since it seems to get a lot of exposure over there. "Down here", I am rarely given any reminder of it, except for on message boards like eNotAlone! I suppose if I watched a lot of television I might get a bit stressed. Luckily I don't.

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  • 1 year later...

i know alot of people who dislike valentines day, myself i love it but, right now im starting not to because today sucked, i got what i wanted but not the person i wanted to spend it with.So ya its perfectly fine to hate valentines day, its not a real holiday any way its just another day for stores to make money off people. They needed something to fill in the cap between christmas and easter. or another holiday.

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