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Why did he stop talking to me?


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I had a guy do this before. Except he was my TA. I felt an attraction develop between us, he gave me his number, we takled for a bit, but then he slowly began to just ignore me/become really distant from me. Like when he was walking with other grad students (the other TA in the course) he would just avoid looking at me altogether, and in the class where he gave a presentation he'd pretend he didn't know my name (I assume because he just blindly graded one of the assignments, he didn't give regular classes so it might look weird that he knew one student's name but not the rest?) Regardless, I think he felt uncomfortable about developing an attraction to me, so he just decided to ignore me and hope it goes away.


But then I called him out on it. When I saw him one day, we were walking the same way and he just pretended not to see me and walked away. I could also tell he was tense. I felt sorta bad myself and e-mailed him and said something to the effect of "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable or something, i should have been more distant... but thanks for your help that term, it was really appreciated." And then there was a dramatic change, everytime he saw me he smiled, waved hi and wanted to talk... but then I started playing hard-to-get and would avoid HIM. It was a weird situation, but nothing happened for various reasons...


I think in THIS situation, he may also feel for some reason odd about developing an attraction towards you (IF at all he is.) Maybe he has a girlfriend or wants to date someone else...and thinks that avoiding/ignoring you is an easy way to forget you, like my guy in question did.


Secondly, you could try ignoring him and see if that works to bring him closer. It worked for me... because then the tables have turned -- YOU'RE suddenly the one to be sought out, and when people think of you as unavailable, they're more likely to want you... it's just human psychology. Draw away a bit, make him think he's ignored a bit, and then if he likes you, he'll want you even more. It's that 'push/pull' part of flirting that largely accounts for sexual tension.


Hope that helps...

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what do you mean by ignoring you? does he not answer you when you ask a question? you have to at least give things a little time..i think you made a bad decision not assisting him again. Just think, he may have sensed that you liked him and at that particular time was unsure of himself whether or not he should persue a relationship. Maybe he was just a lil freaked out by you coming on a lil strong to him? so now when he comes back...you reject him =/


I'd feel bad too, especially if he liked you

Try talking to him again...if he ignores you and shows no interest,

dont worry about it and move on.



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