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When is it TOO MUCH PORN?

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i have had a problem with my boyfriend looking at porn for awhile. Our sex life has dwindled down to nothing while he spends more and more time looking at porn. I know a lot of men look at porn and it is "healthy" but when is it too much? i live with my boyfriend and we share a computer. I work first shift and he works second. When i get home and get on the computer i see that he got on the PC 5 minutes after i left for work and stayed on for almost 4 hours until he had to shower and go to work. I have been taking notice and realized that this has become a habit. There has not been ONE DAY he hasn't done this. His time is spent at work, looking at porn or spending time with me. I think that is a problem. HELP! Am I crazy or is he?

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i have the same problem. there is no such thing as too much porn and to little porn. there should be no such thing as it unless you guys want new positions. if he truly loves you, and is satisfied with you, he shouldn't need it. ask him he if he is willing to stop if you guys made a video together or take pictures of yourself. because i made a video with my boyfriend and he uses porn instead of that, and he claims we have amazing sex and we have it almost all the time. guys always lie just to get the sex and meanwhile they can fantasize about other woman also. especially when a guy lies, says it's wrong and he does it behind your back, and make himself seem perfect for you. that's what mine did, and now i have a self esteem of nothing. love doesn't have to be like this, but us woman have to deal with it day to day.

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I don't think that porn in relationships really works unless you both enjoy it.


If your boyfriend likes to look at porn then fine, but not while your around. A good way to teach him that lesson is a taste of his own medicine.


Most women are more turned on by stories than pictures (I'm not sure why) so I would suggest experimenting with erotic fiction. You'll enjoy yourself and it will drive him crazy. javascript


I think that you shouldn't think about a video or pictures together unless you are going to enjoy it as much as he does. I hate having my picture taken!!

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Porn becomes a problem when it starts to affect the relationship, as it is in your case. Giving him a taste of his medicine could work, but only if you're comfortable doing it and reading that type of fiction. If not, you could always try talking to him. Tell him that it takes two to make a relationship work, and you don't feel that he's doing his part. Good luck, and I hope things improve for you!

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