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Is this right?

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My bf and I are on a "Break" and HE decided to hang out a few days and the toher das spend them by ourselves. Well I wanted to pick another day so when I get out of work sothat we wouldnt see each other too little or too much. When I told him he said "fune, its like you cant se me opne day or you get a heart attck", and I woldnt see him for 2 other days! gosh1q I dont want to let him chose the the days and I dotn do anything. Now hes kinda annoyed at me, even though we hang out. whHhow can I get him to not be annoyed at me?

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Since the "break" was his idea, then I would let him come to you. I would stop chasing him around and making yourself too available. He needs to realize what he has and decide whether he wants to be with you or not.


I personally don't believe in breaks for a couple of reasons. One, it's too emotionally draining, either my partner is with me or not. Either we work on our issues together or not at all. And two, it is just not fair to the person who did not initiate the break. I guess it would be a different story if it was a mutual decision but in many cases, it isn't. But that is my personal take on it.


I would carry on with your life as normal and see him very casually and see how it goes. Wishing you the best and take care.

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I believe kellbell is right, i read somewhere, some relationship book, that most cases when couples decide to break, it is usually guaranteed they will not reunite. Now before you get upset, this book was referring to separation from marriage.


I would give him space though,and for you to go out and enjoy yourself, have fun and be with your friends.

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