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why wont she come get her stuff

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get a load of this audacity..she had a bookcase a washer and a dryer in my house...I offered to get my trailer and drop it all in one shot...she said no.. i will bring new BF and we'll come get it i dont want anything damaged....... * * *? ..anyway after she said that....I put all of her stuff on the porch.(really nice and wrapped in plastic) . 3 days and she still hasnt come to get it.... whats her deal? I been doing strict NC since i told her her stuff is ready to be picked up.

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giver he a little bit more time and then call her and give her a deadline.


i did that with one ex...and finally gave up and gave her clothes to the salvation army. of course she was mad..even though i had warned her multiple times...but i got a good laugh out of it and didnt feel guilty (cause of the warnings)

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thxs.... only prob the items have value all of its brand new... i saw footsteps in the snow lastnight.. she peeked under the tarps to look.. then left... she alo made the comment she wanted to go throught the house and do a final check... trust me I already did... hell even paper she wrote on I threw away....i dont want her in my house she will inevitably start crap and ask questions and look aorund to see if i have had company......

this is becoming deterrent to my healing process....

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My ex told me it wasn't a problem to leave my stuff in his place until I was all ready to find a place of my own and a place to store my things. Despite that I moved everything out in one day just because it hurt so much to go back there. I think while it is more civilized to hold on to your ex's stuff until she's ready to get them, it's interesting that she doesn't - she obviously found a new BF but not a means to come get her stuff?

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Hi there,


I was looking through your old posts and it sounds like she is milking it for all it's worth. I would give her a deadline on when to pick the stuff up or else you are going to chuck it or sell it. And if she is not on your lease or mortage and she comes around, she is trespassing. You DON'T have to let her in your home to do one "final" check. That's her problem. I mean you can let in her in for argument's sake but you are under no obligation to.


Be firm, do not let her push you around and her new man can stay out it, it is not his problem. I am so sorry about your break-up but your ex is not the person whom you thought she was. You can always see someone's true colors when he/she is dealing with situations such as this. You are better off without her in your life. I know that is the last thing you want to hear or feel like she cannot be replaced but believe me, there are nicer, more mature women out there for you to get to know. Take care and best of luck to you.

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Thx.. I think she wants to rub my face in it.i dont want to meet the guy you FU#$%d a week after our two year romance...let alone let him in my house..i may snap and punch him in the face..im not ready still in pain..... mind you she left me because i didnt pay her enough attention.... we broke up for a week then casually she said by the way Im dating now.... thats when my nightmare began...we were together for two years... i was floored.... how could she so soon...i need to heal and recover i hate seeing her stuff on my porch.....the NC has helped .. for the first time in two years Im standing my ground.. come get your stuff i have no desire to hand deliver it for you!!.. have Mr. new boyfriend help you!!!...i dont feel an obligation!! hey i feel better saying that

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All I can tell you is cover your butt! Call the local free paper and put an ad in it telling her she has 24 hrs to remove her stuff or you will donate it. That way you have public notification in case she tries to get you for destroying or damaging her property. If she doesn't come get it in 24 hrs you have a legal right to get rid of it. End of story.

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umm..tell her to go screw. she cant just come in your house to do a "final check." as far as her stuff on your porch...let her know she has x amount of time to get it...if she doesnt get it by then...we'll go from there.


I just have to agree with this.


She no longer has the right to just come into your home on demand.


You are being more than nice and cooperative.


Tell her she has to set a date to come get her stuff. (Not just show up when she feels like)


I dont want her in my house she will inevitably start crap and ask questions and look aorund to see if i have had company......


After she gets her stuff- if she still tries to enter the home- or shows up uninvited , tip-toeing in the snow- you might want to get a no contact order, if you think she has the potential to turn wacky on you.




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Just looked at my phone on lunch.... it started "Hello Mr. childish" i deleted it... zi think shes trying to make me feel guilty and deliver her stuff... screw that,,, im sticking to NC not even small talk.... theres nothing left to say...you made that choice when you got with another man before we even had a chance to reconcile....

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