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Food poisoning

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About 5 hours after I ate a burger yesterday I was being violently ill and was having terrible diarrhoea at the same time so I can assume that I had contracted some sort of food poisoning.

The vomiting etc lasted from about 8pm until 3am the next morning, but I'm still feeling awful, I'm really weak and although I did try to eat something earlier on I didn't manage to get much down (although I didn't bring anything back up) what can I do to start feeling normal again? How long does it take on average to get better after something like that?

Thankfully I had a day off today but I'm worried that I'm not going to feel up to going back to work tomorrow.

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I had food poisoning two weekends ago and it was NOT good. Like you I was violently ill within 4-6 hours after eating the suspected food.


I felt weak and shaky for about 2 days after I was really sick, but wasn't eating completely normally for about a week. Even for the next few days expect your stomach won't be up to par, so avoid heavy foods.


I found eating rice, toast, bananas, yogurt and other light foods helped me. Crackers were really nice too.


The weakness will subside as soon as you are eating more calories. If you find you can't eat much at all and are shaky, try drinking apple juice and fluid calories, which will keep your strength up.


Don't worry, it gets better! Big hugs!

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I'd say trying drink lots of water, you'll be really dehydrated after the diarrhea. Try to eat foods that aren't too acidic, like OJ, I'd avoid milk products, lactic protiens are hard on the stomach too. Bland foods like what you would eat when you have the flu would be good, broth, crackers, toast, apple juice. Try to eat slowly and make sure you stay sitting up after you eat, I get really bad reflux if I've been vomitting alot. Just relax and try not to get too stressed, if you don't feel better in a day or so go to the doctor, you could have something more serious going on.

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I got a specific strand os food poisoning when I was little. Do not ignore it. Go see a doctor right away even if you're feeling better. It could lead to more serious things. I went to a doctor and ended up in hospital, was released, and had to go back into the hospital a few times. It attacked my immune system and ended up causing my kidneys to fail. I also had to have blood tranfusions adn almost had to start dyalisis. Now, not to scare you, there is a very small chance of that happening, but you need to go see a doctor anyway so that he can do some blood work and determine what strand of food posoning you have so that he can proceed with the proper treatment. More often then not you will just deal with it for a couple more days in the same manor you would deal with the flu. Take the time to recover, don't rush your return to work. GO SEE A DOCTOR. It's better to be safe then sorry.

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I feel your pain. I had it last month and I still cringe thinking about it. There are some good tips there.


You should go to the doctor if it persists for more than 2 days. In some extreme and rare cases the strand of bacteria is the more serious kind, but that is usually the result of a specific food group poisoning (be it mushrooms or dairy, etc.)

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Thats the odd thing, I only ate one thing yesterday and that was the afore mentioned burger and fries. I only ate half the burger and it was medium well done so I don't understand how that could have caused food poisoning (unless the person who prepared it didn't wash their hands) and I know nothing else could have caused it because that was all I ate all day.

I just had some soup and feel like I want to bring it back up again my stomach is making all kinds of protesting noises! I took some pepto bismol earlier on to see if that would help settle my stomach but it doesn't appear to have worked so I'm just trying to drink as much as possible although even that is an effort.

I weighed myself this morning and to my astonishment had lost five pounds in one day! The human body is a pretty amazing thing, to just push the 'eject' button like that and get rid of EVERYTHING as a way of protecting itself from toxins, and you have no idea there is anything wrong until it starts doing that!

Well I don't feel too amazing now thats sure so i'm going to get an early night and hopefully I'll be better in the morning.

Thank you for all your advice.

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You may have a virus or the flu. I know I have the freaking flu and it just started today. Thank God for my laptop otherwise I think I would have lost my mind.


Get some rest and drink plenty of fluids and if your not better tomorrow see your doctor. At least you wont be the only person going to the Doctor.

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Well the shivers and feeling cold has gone but my stomach still feels very weak, I have managed to eat some soup today but just started having diarrhoea again - is it possible the germ that caused this is still in there?

I also called the proprietor of the establishment that made me ill and she was wholly unsympathetic and very rude! I wasn't calling to try and get anything out of them just to let them know that I was made sick by their food and to ensure that their health and safety practices are up to standard in future. She said very snappishly;

"It probably wasn't anything you ate here it was probably something from five days ago' (since does it take five days to digest food? )

I wasn't planning on reporting them to any health and safety inspectors but after the response of the manager I might have to consider it...

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