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having sex for the first time


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I met a guy online and talked to him for 9 months, we really liked each other, he's the best. Well he came here to meet for the first time for a week, and it was the best week of my life, we got along really well, actually it was sort of the same thing online as offline, the same person, everythign was just great.


We ended up doing things, kissing, hugging, touching each other in diff places.., things i never did before, since he is my first boyfriend. There was a time where if we had gone on, i wouldve ended up having sex w/ him, but i stopped myself, cuz i knew it wasnt right just yet.

Well.. im going to visit him in 5months, and i really can't wait to see him, i miss him so much...


we were talking about having sex when i got there, me going on the pill and stuff like that. I honestly think i am ready, and i really love him and can't think of doing it for hte first time with anyone else(by the way he's a virgin too). I was thinking of talking to my mom about it, but dont know how she would react... i just thought that if anything was going ot happen, i wanted her to know that i'm ready and that i am being responsible about it.


I told my friends what i was planningo n doing, and they started telling me that it was just too soon, that i didn't really know the guy since he only came here for a week, i told them that he was the same person, and i feel like i've known him my whole life, but they still thought it was just too soon and that i should wait.


It really got me thinking about it, I was so sure about doing it with him, it just felt right, I love him, he loves him, and i am really attracted to him.. i dont know how im gonna handle those two weeks being there and not do anything... but then again, i thought they made a good point about the what ifs, what if when im there there're some things i dont likeabout him, it will be more time spent together, more days to know each other more in real life...


now i am torn between doing it, or waiting.. we had already planned about it, and it was more of a fact than anything else, we were planning on me going to the doctor and asking for the birth control pills, where we were going to do it and stuff like that.

should i just wait more?.. i mean i really wanna do it with him.. i know that if i did, i wouldn't regret it at all,( which is one of my friends concerns), i would actually be happy i did it with someone as special as he is.

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I told my friends what i was planningo n doing, and they started telling me that it was just too soon, that i didn't really know the guy since he only came here for a week, i told them that he was the same person, and i feel like i've known him my whole life, but they still thought it was just too soon and that i should wait.


It has been my experience that friends are almost always right...I would listen to them...

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This is still 5 months away. A lot can happen in that amount of time. For know, enjoy the relationship as it is. Deal with the issue when it gets closer.


Also remember that this is your relationship, and no one else's. Other people can tell you what they would do and what they think, but only you know what is right for you. If you think you are ready, and you have honestly thought about this and believe it to be true, then do what you think you should do. Talk with your mom about it, see what she says. But in the end, it is your choice. Follow your heart.

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I really don't know what to tell you.You are an adult,though!If you really do feel in your heart that this is who you want to lose your virginity to,then I guess go for it.But me personally,I would wait a little bit longer.What's wrong with just waiting?If you two are going to have sex,why rush into it?Get to know eachother.See what I'm saying?But if you do have sex,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE use protection!!!!!!!!!

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