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Time to clean...

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So I'm Bitter because I'm going through a seriously verbally and mentally abusive relationship. I am in so much pain an I told Digi that I was embarrassed to tell you all the real reason I joined this forum.


I am very sad, I am very depressed. We used to be in love and perfect and now he treats me like crap. I am faithful and have never cheated. I am also (not to be vain) on a scale of 1-10 people rate me an 11. I model, I kickbox, but I can't succeed in this relationship. I just know that if I tell you all this, you are all going to just laugh at me and tell me "leave him" or "you can do better" and be hard on me. Truth is: if you're not hard on me, I'd probably be insulted. However, I love him so much I guess I'm just venting. He says he loves me, but he is so emotional unattached. I have given this 9 months and it's falling to crap. Sorry if I have been such a snot. It's just I am so sad

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Hey, it's ok to vent, we all do. Sorry about our disagreement, but we're all here to help eachother, and we've all been hurting and sad...


For starters, you seem to have good self esteem, you rate yourself an 11... Good for you, I wish I had that much confidence! 8)


Second, you seem to have heard it all before so I don't know what we're going to tell you differently. If you're unhappy for nine months, you really DO need to try something else...


I don't think I can be any harder on you than you're being to yourself, but it's ok to just let go. Things were not meant to be, and you'll either have to accept that, or be miserable with him...


Hope you figure it out, it's hard to do...



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Give things time, don't let it out like that all of an sudden. He probably does like u heaps, but like a lot of guys, they don't show their emotions, they think it's unmanly or something. Good things take time, make him understand, take it out on him a lil but not 2 much or he might get scared and walk away.


Luck wif things


Happy Heb

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