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I just need some advice. I am 48 and my husband of 5 months is 47. We lived together for about a year before we got married. I knew that he looked at porn some and we talked about it but told him I understood the need for it for men at times. Yes I have been reading all of the posts on here about porn and we all have different views. I just found out quite by accident that he has been looking at porn at least every chance he gets. This isn't the problem. The problem is that every porn site that he has been on is "Teen". Yes I know they are legal, but some of these girls are dressed and really do look like they are 14 yrs. old. I can understand the desire to look at porn and our sex life is good and I know that he finds me attractive. He shows me all the time. I just can't get the images out of my head or understand why of all the stuff on the net that he wants to see "barely legal", teens. We have discussed this at length and he tells me that he will no longer look at teen porn. I have told him it is ok to look at adult porn-I just can't handle the teen thing. Well that was a month ago. Now I have just found out that he is still looking at teen porn. He tells me he does not know why. It has now become a whole different issue because he has now lied to me and lost my trust. Any help would be appreciated.

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Did you notice the teen porn stuff only after you were married? Just curious.


Also, I think it would bother me a great deal if my partner or spouse regularly looked at porn. But, this hasn't been an issue for me, so I'm not sure how to best address your problem, other than let you know I can understand why you don't like this. I would be concerned about the attraction to "barely legal" porn, too. Does he ever act strange in any way around younger girls? Are you afraid he might have a deeper seated problem?

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I'll give you a different perspective. Youth = fertility. Men are hard-wired, biologically, to be attracted to fertile women. That's why Teen Porn is so common. And as both you and he know, chances are that these women are 18, not 14. The 14 is just a fantasy.


As long as he is coming home to you, I wouldn't let it bother you too much. If he is a good husband otherwise, maybe let it slide?


just a suggestion....

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I have to agree with Bethany on this one. Anyone who looks at porn at all can tell you that no matter what you type in Google or any other browser in general, 7 out of the 10 responses are going to be of teen sites. It's difficult to avoid. If you don't believe me, try it. Another fact is that porn can be addictive if it becomes a part of a daily routine. I imagine this is why people also smoke cigarettes because their bored, there's nothing better to do at the time, and they are so used to the routine of smoking that they light up without thinking about it. I also heard that people can become subconsciously attracted to their computer. I know it sounds stupid, but just like an animal can become conditioned to salivate anytime he hears a dinner bell, people can tend to be aroused any time they sit at a computer if it is indeed a part of their daily routine. My advice is that you find things you and your husband can do together to distract him from the computer. Go out for walks, rent movies, or just spend more time away from home in general, that way he breaks out of his routine and the porn thing won't even be on his mind. Or try going to something slow like dial up where the pictures take forever to come up, or disconnect the internet all together, just for a month or two. Trust me lol,....it works.

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