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Kissing right away?

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I'm just wondering. Is it way too forward to kiss a guy before you've asked him out. Like almost in place of asking him out? And then having the discussion. Like if u really want to show him how much you like him. Would that come off as u feeling grealtey for him or as you being a kind of s l u t? Guys, yould you find that hot or overbearing?


Also, I was wondering what you think are good time-line guide limits when kissing (e.g. first kiss after so long, making out after how long, heavy making out with feeling after how long, that sort of thing.) Any opinions would be great thanks.

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First I would say that you need to think about what message you want to send to this guy and the method of delivery. I would not recommend moving in for the kiss and although this is the year 2006, I think you should let him ask you out. You can certainly let him know that you are interested in him but don't throw yourself at him or come accross as aggressive. The last thing you want to do is scare him off or give him the impression you are desperate.


As far as a time-line to for an escalation of passion? You need to be sensible and let things flow naturally. The time-line is probably best cast aside for a mutual comfort level for both of you. Remember, you don't want to get a bad reputation or come accross as too easy.


Go Slow,



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I am sure there are a lot of guys who would like it if a girl came up to them and kissed them. However, are these the kind of guys you really want to be dating?


Kissing is something intimate, it brings people close together, ties them and bonds them in a special way. But it does that after the feelings are already there. It is an expression of feelings that exist between two people. If those feelings aren't there, it doesn't have the same affect. I am all for going against the grain and doing things in an uncovential manner. However, in this regard kissing first isn't a wise idea. A guy isn't going to like the thought that a girl just goes around kissing guys she wants to ask out, and if the guy does like it, that says somthing rather negative about him.


With the time line, relationships are not something that has set time frames. It is always best to take things slow, not rush into anything so you stand a better chance of making a mistake. But there shouldn't be a strict guide for when to do things. Some people move faster, some move slower. What you need to do is let things happen naturally, at the pace that is right for the two of you. Enjoy what is there, don't feel you need to pace yourself.

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