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all girls, answer please

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I'm by no means a female , but I do know that messing around is a whole different experience for women, especially at first. It is a lot more emotionally based than for most guys, no matter if it is sex or just fooling around. They usually have to feel much more comfortable with a relationship first, and it's probably better off that way. Tread lightly and don't be pushy... sometimes it's fun anyway if she plays hard to get!



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A lot of girls I kno are afraid to let the guy see their body, because they are self conscious. Also many grls feel that the guy is more experienced than she is, because guys like to brag and/or lie about their previous relationships. Plus the fact that girls are said to be easy, which is hard wen it gets back to her friends or his friends. Guys are rewarded for having sex....its not fair.

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With today's society still looking down on women's sexuality, it is no wonder that many women are afraid to do anything sexual. But more women are breaking out, so there is hope that the fear will subside. But yes, losing respect because of actual or rumored sexual activity can scare many women into not doing anything. Trust is also a key factor.

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Personally, I'm not afraid to do that sort of stuff with someone I have feelings for or really care about. If I trust the person, and we are involved in a relationship, I honestly won't care what other people think. They can say what they want, because I know that I'm not a slut. But, I think the reason some girls are like that is because when girls fool around with a lot of different guys, they will get a reputation as being a slut. Guys, on the other hand will get appraised for this kind of stuff. So guys probably look at these issues differently than females do.

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Personally (being a female and all) I want to know before a mess around with a guy if there is more than the messing around with they guy or if thats all it means to him. I want to feel secure in the relationship and that I wont be hurt. Its strange but most girls/woman really value their bodies in that way.

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