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general question for men and women


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hey guys and girls, just wanted to know your views on this subject.


who are you most likely to chase, someone who puts out really easily, and doesnt view sex and things as special.


or someone that you have to wait for alittle before you start having sex or making out with???


so just put your opinion down thanks




p.s happy australia day ... australia

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thanks guys, the only reason why im asking, is because i believe it to be something special, but most of the people my age around my area and only interested in the girls at the clubs and pubs that put out... and i sit there quitly not drinking and no one seems interested in me... so i was just wondering what peoples ideas on this was...

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Men sometimes think as long as the woman is having sex with them and "putting out" then she thinks it's special. I think sex is a huge part of how men perceive women to feel about them. When a woman has sex with a man, the man usually feels very loved. I'm also beginning to think that it takes nothing more than a good BJ for a guy to really fall in love and to think the woman really loves him. I'm surprised how many men think BJs are deal-breakers in a relationship. I used to think that was something only "fast" women did. I now understand that it's something most women do, especially in the beginning of a relationship. Maybe that's another post.

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most of the people my age around my area and only interested in the girls at the clubs and pubs that put out... and i sit there quitly not drinking and no one seems interested in me... so i was just wondering what peoples ideas on this was...


The other issues is where you are in a club or pub (a bar), people drink and flirt and hook up, and that's why most men are there. If you're interested in meeting men who might take things slower, try going where alcohol isn't involved and where you have shared activities or interests in common. I used to meet a lot of nice guys at volunteer organizations where we worked together on projects to raise money.

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I'll try to be polite.


I don't like... errh, "loose" girls. Girls who would give it up for just about anyone. Not my type; at all.


I have a great deal of respect for girls who actually have enough self-worth and self-respect to cherish their own bodies without sleeping with every guy she bumps into.

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i agree with whats being said here.... i have this one friend, and she brags about sleeping with all these men, including one of her bosses, and she keeps getting mens numbers and men are always really interested in her and stuff... so its bugging me :S

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