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I am 17 years old and have been with my girlfriend for almost 3 years. When she and I first started dating and for many, many months after, i have thought i had very strong feelings for her. But a few months ago, i became aware of the fact that I am getting bored and do not still have the same feelings. My problem is that she is very attached to me and I feel like I need my space right now. I am sick of feeling married at age 17, but i do not know how to tell her without hurting her very badly. I enjoy her company and feel as though she would be someone i would like to spend the rest of my life with. But for right now... it is just too much. I feel like i need the freedom to experience new things, girls, relationships, etc... How should i go about dealing with my feelings?

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I guess the answer to your question is that it's just a part of life. You are young, and you do feel you need to experience more of what the world has to offer, so you've just got to break up with her...if that's really what you feel. You'd be cheating her if you stayed while having those feelings.

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Well it sounds to me like you've been spending TOO much time with your girl. I don't know if you've ever heard of this saying in the states, but here in the UK we have this: "Absense makes the heart grow fonder"


I notice from your post that you say she is the sort of person you could spend the rest of your life with but you want to experience other things aswell. Right ok, thats a good thing you can admit that. Ok, so get some space from her for a bit and then see how you feel. I'm not going to say that you should cheat on her and go with a few other females just to satisfy your own wants because I feel thats wrong but getting yourself some space from her temporarily would be a good thing if you want to save what you have with your g/f.


Now if you really are serious about wanting to try it out with other girls then I seriously suggest that you break it off with her NOW. You have no right to hurt her like that.


My personal feelings are that if you've been together for 3 years, and your only 17 (so you were 14 when you met?) then she must be something pretty special and you must be extremely close.

Mind if I ask you something? - Why would yyou want to throw that away?

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you young as hell....you are at ta age were you should be experiencing...be honest wit her tell her you care for her bout you need some space not cause you dont like her bout because you need time off.. still talk to her hang out wit her.. act like her friend only...and have fun and look around... have contact wit her thou..

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I know how you feel, my girlfriend broke up with me because she wanted to party and experience other guys. Trust me, don't break up with your girlfriend. It might be fun partying and stuff for a while but your relationship is much more important. Maybe take a week off from eachother or slow things down a bit. Maybe just have a bunch of your friends and her friends get together and all of you hang out.


Feeling the need to experience other things is normal but isn't worth a relationship, there are ways to fix you relationship.

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