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quick question


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This is pretty much yet another "What does it mean?" post. You see, there's this girl in one of my classes. And I catch her looking at me pretty often. I dunno what to think of it, because she doesn't look like she's interested, plus she turns away quickly everytime I catch her looking. It's weird. I dunno how to approach it or if I should approach it at all for that matter...

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I dunno... I try to connect eyes and smile. But when I smile, she doesn't seem to get it or something... she turns away quickly again. But then I catch her looking again. And it has happened like everyday, so I doubt I always have something on my face that's not supposed to be there...

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Sounds like she likes you. The not really responding back thing could be from being shy. I'm like that, it's hard for me to look back at a guy and smile back, it's just too hard! Next time go up to her and say something. Maybe something to do with homework in the class? Or just a comment about a test the class did ex. "Hey what did you think of that test?" Then see what happens from there. Good luck!

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Well, I haven't talked to her yet.. I dunno... I just try to find an opportunity, but I can't find one. I know this is the wrong thing to do... But can't help it. She'll probably lose interest in me if she's interested at all (or maybe she lost interest already), so I guess I blew it again (chances like this don't happen very often for me, but the few times it has happened this year, I've blown it...).

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I just try to find an opportunity, but I can't find one. I know this is the wrong thing to do... But can't help it. She'll probably lose interest in me if she's interested at all (or maybe she lost interest already), so I guess I blew it again (chances like this don't happen very often for me, but the few times it has happened this year, I've blown it...).


Boy, you sound like me. It's not a good thing, either.


A good friend of mine told me that it's important to take chances in situations like these. Basically, if you ask her out and she says no, or if she is seeing someone already, it's not the end of the world. In fact, it's not even really that bad.


I am well aware of what fear of rejection does to the human psyche, but if you think about it rationally, it makes little sense to fear something so minute, especially when we do not even KNOW the outcome!


Also - if you do take up the courage to ask her out, even if you were to be turned down - guess what? You did what thousands of other chicken****s thought about doing, and you did it! You deserve a pat on the back. At least you had the guts to do something about it; most people just complain about their own problems without ever trying to DO anything about it.


I'd say to give it a shot. I have a similar situation I'm dealing with right now and am encouraging you to follow this example.


Good luck, bud.

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The best way to figure out what the hell is going on is to look at her until you catch her looking. When you think she is looking, smile at her. If she smiles back, then you pretty much know that she is looking at you.


If you don't make a move at some point though, some other guy will. Make things happen for you, because no one else will.

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