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After posting for so long and reading posts. I just wondered, the no contact thing is a great idea (i believe in it 100% percent). So what happens when your exes call? Do they keep calling or do they give up after a few attempts (ex, being the dumper), what is the dumpers etiquette? Do they ever stop calling and what is the best way you have found to stop them from calling?


Just a general topic, it intrigues me as I was talking to a group of people tonight, it's amazing how all have a different opinion on this matter. I would like to hear from those who have experienced the ex factor, the constant calls when they have broken up with you! No, I want you back, they are calling because they miss you and they are thinking about you constantly.


What I said tonight to my friends is I believe, that the dumpers can call once, if they are ignored they should never call again unless encouraged by the dumpee, as the dumpee may get the wrong idea (my thoughts only) or my just want to get one with their lives?



How far should the dumper go to get back the one they have lost? And what does the dumpee think they should do to win them back? Is there anything they can really do to win you back?

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I've recently been in a situation where my bloke dumped me because he wasn't happy.. Then a couple of days later he was ringing me and texting me.. I ended up changing my mobile number cos he kept ringing me.. Then he started bothering me at work so I told him to leave me alone cos if he carried on, I would report him to the police.. It seemed to do the trick as he hasn't contacted me for a while now.. I recently went for a drink with some friends and bumped into him.. He smiled at me so I smiled back.. He gave over to chat and I let him ask all the questions and I played against it and didn't ask him once for his opinion and thoughts.. I think it's got him thinking now!!

I personally think if we had had no contact with each other, we would have spoken to each other before now.. I personally think if someone finishes with their partner, then they should leave them alone but nine times out of ten, they do ring the dumpee.. I just think if they have dumped you, why ring up???

Becks x

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This is what gets me mad.. If you finish with someone for whatever reason, then let things be.. I once finished with a guy cos I was unhappy and he kept contacting me trying to change my mind so it does work both ways I suppose.. I didn't wanna contact me cos I'd finished with him.. I just can't work out the whole break-up situation.. I've just got over my ex bloke and he use to get to me and do things to get me mad, but I've played him at his own game now.. No contact is the best for both parties, gives each other time to think about the situation and then let things cool down if things have got abit heated.. I reckon if someone dumps you, you should ignore them and get on with things.. The ex always seems to do the chasing after a breakup, but why?? I can't work some people out half the time!!

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