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i miss her...just one of those days...

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I've been broken up with my girlfriend of 3 years for about 3 monthes now and have gone through mnay stages. I have gone from crying my eyes out everyday to trying to get her out of my mind, trying to make her mad, trying to make her jealous, and trying to get her back. I can honestly say I am a much stronger person for having to go through this, but I still have those days/nights when I miss her soo much. And it feels a lot better to get this stuff out on the forum rather than breaking down to her. I really loved this girl and thought we'd always be together. We are best friends and now I miss all the little things. I miss how she smelled, i miss how she rubbed my arms, going to the movies with her, hearing her laugh, and seeing her smile. I've out many tmes since our break and still can't picture myself with anyone else but her


We've only really hung out once, and we both knew it was awkard and very clear that there were still feelings for both of us. But she is involved in a new relationship. I dont know what to do. It just seems like I have to make it one day at a time which is very hard. Not calling her takes a lot of energy. The only reason I don't call her is I am afriad of her saying she doesent want to talk, or her being with her new bf and putting me behind him. Only when I know she is alone will I call her...is this weird?


I don't know, I know it takes time to heal, but time also makes you forget and I dont want her to forget about me. I love her soo much and miss her. I hope it is just one of those days, but I fear its more than that. Maybe I just need a good crying sessions to clear my head...hope you all are havin better days then I am....hugs and good wishes to all

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I hear you buddy!


I have moments like that every day. When you live with someone for 10 months, they become a part of you and giving them up is like giving up a part of yourself. It's hard.


I miss my ex terribly and it's tough knowing that she's out there with someone new. She's telling him all the things she used to tell me, kissing him, hugging him and smiling at him with that lovely smile of hers. She's looking forward to his emails and he probably hears that excited tone in her voice. I don't even want to think about the fact that they're making love. It kills me inside. Some days I wonder what the point is getting out of bed. She's moving this weekend and although we talk once and awhile she hasn't given me her new phone number and who knows when she'll decide to give it to me as it will be a big step for her if/when she does. It doesn't really matter anymore anyways, it's over and we're both moving on.


It's hard being the one who didn't want it to end but is forced to give up on emotions you still feel and the hopes and dreams you had with that person. Try to remember, as much as I do, that these moments come and go. I know how you feel about not wanting her to forget you as well. In some ways, she's in the new relationship to forget you and that makes it hurt even more. We're suppose to believe in fate, but how does fate heal a broken heart? Only time does that... ever so slowly.

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hey dude no offense you screwed up. My girlfriend left me after two years. Because she said she wanted time. I haven't seen her in six months. You wanna make yourself feel better go kick the dudes ass like I did. It relieves alot of stress and anger.

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Dear Bones,


I know how you feel and I'm just going to give you some simple advice. It may sound flippant but you've got to trust that I give it in all sincerity and in the hopes that you can stop hurting like you are.


Simply put, STOP thinking of her! Yes, I know you'll say, "But, I CAN'T!!"


Not so, the thoughts will be there but what you're doing, all the things she did, the smile, the laugh, the touch, the kiss, all that is TOO TOO much. You're indulging yourself and torturing yourself in the process. Push her out of your thoughts. Put her way in the back. If it'll help think of a box or a drawer or chest that you throw her into whenever she pops into your mind and I know that is like constantly. But that's it, just pop, none of this other stuff, all these details. Those are what are making you hurt. You can do it if you want. But you've got to really want it. So many people say they're hurting but they really don't want to stop hurting. It becomes a habit, a crutch, vice, a pain in the butt for others around you and when they start to stay away you'll really have something to moan about.


Give it a try, will you.

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