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I had a boyfriend for approx 1 1/2 years. We broke-up recently for many reasons - mostly, we were treating each other badly, but something has been on my mind and bothering me. I need to get opinions on my reaction to his use of chat rooms. He would get into these chat rooms and says he only would speak to women because if you are a guy and approach another guy, the chances are, the guy will think you are gay. OK - so he's a homophobe I guess. But he also went into a room and got into a discussion about whether or not large breats sag. And I guess the woman he was talking to wanted to prove that hers hadn't, sent him a pic of hers in the flesh. Which I found a few days later on his computer - by total accident. We don't live together, and it seems like whenever I would call, he'd be on-line "talking". I guess what my question is, am I overreacting? He seems closer to the women he talks to on-line than he did to me when we were together. I was just wondering if this is the norm in relationships today, will I have to expect this of every guy from now on????



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Hmmm... I can tell you if I found out my boyfriend was a chatroom junkie I certainly wouldn't hang around for very long. The fact that he has taken chatting to a girl sending him a picture of her breasts to prove they haven't sagged is disturbing.


I would say you have made a very sound decision for breaking up with your boyfriend and I certainly don't think you have over reacted what so ever.

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newts is totally right, you made the best descision you could have. That is not the norm in relationships and you should not expect it from everyone you date, it's not only not fair to good men, but it's unfair to yourself, as it might keep you from what should really be there.

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If i were you, i would be fuming with jealousy, and would hate for my BF to be doing that. If you dont like him talking to other girls in a chat room i would have told him. I would have left him if he continued to do it, as he should be willing to stop if it bothers you so much. You did the right thing, and you have a lot of strength for doing it.

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