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Please help me??-- Is it worth it to wait??

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Hi..My name is Sheena and I am 17 years old and I have a problem...Ok here it goes...My boyfriend and I have been dating for a year and 1 month and you see we plan on getting married and building a life together...my problem has to do with sex...My boyfriend never pressures me into it and always says whenever I am ready than we will do it...but I know how much he wants it and I want to make him happy....It's true I want to wait because when I give away myself I want it to be not just to get rid of my virginity but because I love him...he even says that if i never were able to do it he would still love me indefinently...it just hurts me to see that I cannot give it to him right now....But when I first have sex i want it to be with someone who I know I will be with forever...He is it and I just want to give him all of me...how can I stop feeling such pain about this....please help me?? E-mail me at email removed ITS IMPORTANT!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

fine u have got a good pair and he is good. fine buddy i know that sex is a part of luv to but why do u concentrate on that buddy. acording to me u have many more things to do.any way sometimes if u fel more sex tensed i feel kissing is not mistake. i wrote what i felt if it didnt solve your problem then i am sorry buddy. hope u make it up and ure pair makes a success.

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When Is The Right Time For Sex? by Jennifer Nickerson


Based on my own personal experience, I see that not having sex early in a relationship is a good idea. Let's face it, SEX COMPLICATES THINGS. As true as that statement is, it doesn't mean that sex is bad or a problem or anything else. It simply means that once you start having a sexual relationship with your partner, things can move on to a different level. Unfortunately, sometimes, both partners aren't on the same emotional level. Let me give you an example.


Recently I asked my brother how things were going with his girlfriend that he had been seeing for about a month. He told me that she wasn't what he was looking for in a relationship and then proceeded to tell me that she was still calling him and wanting to go out with him. My point is this: Perhaps he should have waited to sleep with her until he was certain that she was the girl that he wanted in his life. He had told her that he was just too busy to have a relationship as he had just gone back to school in addition to his full time job. Now, not only does she not get the whole truth, but he can't confront telling her that she is not the one he wants to be with.


Guys, honestly, have you ever had a girl "bug" you after you withdrew from the relationship? Did you ever think that maybe it was because you gave her the impression that the relationship was more than you actually wanted it to be?


Girls, did you ever think you had a great thing going and then wonder why he stopped returning you phone calls?


Please don't misunderstand. I don't think that the guys are all to blame. I think that usually the fault is shared equally. It takes two to get the job done. Often, I feel that men and women view sex differently. Women sometimes think that sex is an experience that is to be shared with someone that they love and see it as an act of love. Men sometimes think that sex is, well, sex.


I am also not saying that virginity is the key, although, it could be for some. (I have immense respect for those that chose to wait until they are married.) I am just advocating that couples wait until they are relatively certain that they are with someone with whom they would like to share a future.


There is a simple, realistic way to let the other person know that you are not ready for the relationship to turn sexual. Just let the other person know that you want to get to know and respect him or her before things are taken to that level. This doesn't have to take months either. My rule of thumb was when I felt really comfortable with the guy, I just knew that the time was right. I never regretted waiting, not once.

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  • 7 months later...

It is worth it to wait. There are other things you can do with him, where you won't give up your virginity.



Ask anyone you know, most will tell you that they regret their first time.

It is worth it to wait.


And, I've never heard a person who waited say that they regret waiting.






That's that.

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If hes happy waiting for you then I cant see the problem with it. There are lots of other things that the two of you can do to satisfy eachother. You obviously feel like its important to you to save yourself until your married and I think thats what you should do. I dont regret my first time but I thought I would be with this guy forever and he broke up with me, so in that way i regret it. There is no harm in waiting except that it will be even more special when you do it on your wedding night.

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