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hey all, my ex gf left me letter in a bottle. It said how lonely she is without me and that she will do anything to get me back in her life. she said that she know that she has done some really stupid stuff but that she was just trying to get my attention and didn't know how to do it in the right way. the letter is pretty remorseful and now i don't know what to do. should i wait things out or give her a call. what should i do? she claims she is very lonely and doesn't want to live life without me.

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Hi there!


Let her mature some more before entertaining the thought of getting back with her. No one matures over night like that. It seems that her immaturity causes you a lot of trouble and heartache. Let her experience the world, some heartache, some pain, that's what makes us grow and learn. Coming to her rescue all the time will not do any favors for her, nor you. And admitting mistakes is only the beginning...one has to DO something about it and persevere and this can be a long process. I know you care about her but care enough to leave her be and grow and care enough for yourself knowing you deserve better. Take care and wishing you all the best.

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Judging by your previous posts this is a rocky relationship on both sides. Is this the girl for whom you forgot to get a birthday and Christmas present and then she refused to accept the dog you bought her to make up for it?


If it is, and you want her back, then call her up and suggest meeting to have a talk. If she agrees, then both of you should talk about how to conduct the relationship in a better way. More communication, more compromise, more negotiation, and above all, more thinking about what the other person needs as well as what each of you needs.


If you want her and can do that - call her now.

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