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just a couple of questions !please help

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You don't. Not without asking. It's always worth a shot to get real intimate and look right in her eyes and say "can I kiss you?". It's worked for me, because it's a deep respect thing. She'll know you care because you show that you respect her. The date thing isn't any different, just go for it. If she says no, the world won't stop spinning, but at least you'll know where you stand!


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I agree with most of the replies from the other members but personally I would feel kind of weird asking a girl if I can kiss her. Maybe it's just me, but it seems like asking her would kind of ruin the moment. First kisses are always the best when they come unexpectedly. Just lean in slowly to give her an idea of what you're doing. If she doesn't draw back than obviously she wants you to kiss her. Before you do this tho, like the other people said give her compliments and make sure you two are comfortable with the whole hand holding and hugging etc. before you go onto kissing.[/u]

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ok now it is time for the shy guys responce to this one. (remember I am talking from experince) To ask a girl out get to know her a littlebit then if ask her out the worse she will say is "no". And the kissing someone that is a big step for a shy guy to tell the truth the girl had to ask me why I havent kissed her yet. (after alot of hinting and I meen ALOT of hinting) I hate shyness it will be the death of me some day. But asking is one of the safest way to find out if she/he would like you to kiss them.

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