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i duno if this is jealousy, but the guy who i met almost story book like then decided not to be with him because i was allready ina current relationship when he finally got back from the military and after kinda essinwith hi n breakinhis heart, well now he is ina current relationship n he seems so hapy n im tryin to make contact but he doesnt reciprocate n im terribly upset - i want jon back!

i coulda been so happy with him but i stayed with mario for selfish dumb reasons and i know me n jon can be so happy n seein him n his girl so happy breaks my heart, just thinkin that coulda been me instead of the rut of a relationship i am in now....

i cant stop feelin this way..... i want jon, i want to call him but he wont answer i allready tried - i message him on my space n he reads it but doesnt write back...im in despair...

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There's no instant cure for this, I'm sorry.

You broke his heart, you emotionally hurt him. I think it's safe to say he won't be back. The sooner you wrap your head around this concept, the better off you'll be.


If you feel your current relationship is in a "rut". You need to make changes so you remain happy with it. But my advice, is to get rid of Mario, because you said it yourself you're attracted to another man, which isn't fair to you, nor Mario.


I would also suggest that you do not contact your EX anymore. It only make you look needy, clingy, unconfident, and quite pitiful. I've been there, and it's not a good sight.


Back off and think about YOU. You made a mistake, so what. Get back on your feet and find happiness again. If Jon wants you back, he'll come back. With or without your calls.

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i know i gave something amazing up n i regret it - it sux...

i duno if i want him just cuz i cant have him, i think i want him cuz he doesnt want me n i xpected to him to wait for me to be ready... but i want something wonderful n it just wont happen with mario, im sure of it..

jon was my soul mate, the way we met, the times we had, i just dint want to leave mario once jon had come back from the military - join of course didnt xpect me to stay single while he was gone for over a year...

i was scared of jon, becuase i was scared of getting hurt... n i was cotent with mario, but now i see jon is safe and how happy they are n it hurts knowing it coulda been me... i duno what to do ](*,)

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Put yourself into his shoes. Look from his perspective.

You'll begin to realize why he did what he did. I'm sure that he wished he could maintain a steady relationship, and probably feared going away to the military in the result of losing you.


His instincts were right and you found another man. So he did what he had to, and moved on. Found another woman, because you left.


The ONLY way anything will have a chance of working out towards you two, is if you admit to him, best in person.. that you see you made a mistake. You took your relationship with him for granted, and that you now see that you gave up the only man that you love.


If he still doesn't want you - at least you tried, and can move on without wondering "what if?".


If he considers, or seems to consider, back OFF. Do NOT pressure him in anyway. You have to let him breathe and reconsider his options, which is easiest when he doesn't have you nagging at him.


Let him know exactly how you feel, then go away. If he comes back. Work from there, if he doesn't. There's your answer.


Good Luck.

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