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Slept with my boyfriend for the first time

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Well, on new years eve i had sex with my boyfriend for the first time. We used a condom and it didn't split which was what i was worried about. I can't say it lasted long as we got interrupted..lol. Well, since im new at this i don't know what i should do. Do i need to see a doctor or anthing? Lol im so inexperienced so any advice would be useful. Thanks.

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You may not need to see a doctor after sex. But if you have not seen a gynocologist you should...since you are now sexually active, as well as you should get on some type of birth control yourself, so in case a condom ever does break...you have back up protection.


I have known too many girls that leave protection all up to the guy and ended up regretting it. So take control of the situation and see your doctor about getting some protection of your own.

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