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This is very long, but its interesting (or so I think)


Ive liked this girl since grade 8, she is a very encentric person, very lovable person to be around. during school we had this enormous eye contact, during recess and lunch we would catch glimpses of each other, I dont know why I kept on looking.. I guess I was just intrigued.


It wasint until grade 10, were i made my feelings clear to her... chicken of me, i did it through a letter.... It was sort of cat and mouse after that... I assumed she was not interested, but we become sort of closer as friends.


It was when I decided to leave the country and go back to my real birthplace, was when I was really running out of time..



From what I heard she dated a few guys, one guy who I knew even went as far as to dump her for another girl... and I remember just looking at her when he said it and i felt really bad for what she was going to encounter...



fast forward to three days before I leave, she came into my store. and handed me a goodbye gift... to my surprise its a framed photo of us together, with a nice engraving...


But still she saw me strictly as a friend. I eventully came back, and 3 years have passed since that moment, I see her sometimes.


I always thought that photo was there to taunt me, because no matter how many times i box it up, I always bring it back out, no matter how many times i try to meet some one else, I always think of her...



She was very good and supportive friend, and I miss seeing her, but I want more then friendship... I want to be with her through good and bad times, hold and comfort her...


Deep down inside she knows I would never try to hurt her in any ways...


I once told her that I would give up everything (my future) just to be with her.... It wasint until 3years later what kind of position I put her in...


Her response was "Im Flattered" I felt like a fool, but I hung in there...




Should I try to get back into her life some how?


or sadly walk away and leave that foto boxed up....



help please!!

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yes, i think you should try to get back with her. but don't be pushy or try too hard. girls hate that. if she is seeing someone, then wait. the best thing for you to do is be patient. it seems like she cares about you a lot and most strong and deep friendship turn into more than a friendship. *wink wink*

just hang in there, i'm sure she will come around.

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Hang in there bud. It sounds like you really love this girl, and if it's meant to be then it will all happen in time. Make sure not to get too attached though, to the point of obsession or anything. And try not to come on too strong. Just be very suttle, start it up as friends and don't push anything, wait for a sign that she is into you too. You could really have something if you take it slow and be patient. Don't push too hard or you're gonna lose it all faster than you know it. Good luck.

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Don't bother.


Women aren't worth the agro. I'm nearly 22 and none of them see me as anything more than "a friend" and they never will see me as anything more.


When I hit 22 thats when it's game over for me. I cannot be bothered to live my life like this anymore. It's simply not worth it.

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great help guys, I appriciate it,



the only problem is we just dont see much of eachother anymore, shes got a busy schedule, and i respect that.... I own my own business so im busy too.... We talk over msn, when we get the chance, but thats really, you know..



Im just hoping the good lord can add some magic towards the situation, and help me out... Believe me Ive been getting on with my life, ive got a successfull business a great life, I just dont have her, and from all my experiance with other girls, believe me shes the only one for me...


I just wonder if shes ever going to get beyond this friendship bubble!!!!



any one else got opinions or share the same experiance would be needed


thanxs to the other 3, except Turboz one word for you "FAITH"

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