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i am not very happy. About the only good thing in my life is my daughter. At least I have her. But I litterally have no friends. My husband is okay. This week he's really been earning his brownie pts. But, he doesn't like talking with me or just listening to what I have to say. And he likes a kickback life where I'd like to travel and do different stuff. And I have this infatuation with a figure from the past. Which I think is stupid but I cant get it out of my mind!! Anyway, I just needed to get this out. Thanks for being here.

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I am no expert on relationships by far, but watching a lot of my friends go through marraige, there is a time of restlessness. I don't think it is uncommon. As for him not wanting to talk, that's why the book men are from mars and women are from venus sold so many copies! ;-) We are different breeds for sure. The biggest step I think is acceptance. This is man watch him not talk!!! LOL


When ever I feel restless about things, I make up a list of things I am grateful for.


Yours might be: My husband is faithful. He's a good father. He is kind and not abusive. My child is healthy. We live in a good home......ect.....I am sure you get the picture.


Complacency is almost like a diease. The grass always looks greener....;-)


I think if you just stay true to your path, and don't act on the things you are feeling, it will pass and you will be glad that you have the stability of the marriage, even if it does get a little boring sometimes!


I hope it passes for you. Try to focus on the positives. It is better to want the things we have then have the things we want! ;-)



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